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But just so you know, if you like Markhyuck, my friend has a new Markhyuck fanfiction → kyunghyomi_x  ← and you should go check it out if you're interested!

I know she reads this, so I'll dedicate this chapter to her.

Anyway, enjoy!


▸  F I V E  ◂
❛ In The Friend Zone ❜

▸  F I V E  ◂❛ In The Friend Zone ❜

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Mark had caught a good chunk worth of a glimpse of Donghyuck during the official wedding ceremony while they stood on opposing side's, he was trying to tilt his head at all angles to receive the younger male's attention; there was no eye contact being thrown his way at all, it was unfortunate on his behalf. That of course did leave the Canadian in a rather crossed state, being ignored was something that most people and especially what he himself finds disrespectful and provoking.

Jaehyun's gang of 'man-whores' were dressed in darker shades of color meanwhile Taeyong's pack of 'baby-boy-bitches' were on the lighter side of the color-wheel with their apparel. The titles they were given were for comical purposes and by no means were to be taken on the serious side which would lead to obvious offence and feeling insulted; but then again the given title's were also somewhat truthful as it was clear that Jaehyun's friends were quite the renown player's who enjoyed one night stands and having no strings attached, meanwhile Taeyong's friend's were in the spotlight for being highly fashionable and often tied into the latest drama automatically which gave people the impression they were bitchy.

Honestly, Mark never saw himself that way, he just liked to have fun, he never once considered himself as a 'man-whore' even though he fitted the definition rather all too well.

As for Donghyuck, the definition of how random people viewed him did not fit him at all, he was a somewhat famous model which made him highly fashionable - yes, but at the same time he avoided drama at all costs, the only time he was involved was if his friends were talking about it with him or just if they needed comforting after some harsh backlash from the press or just fights with pathetic colleagues who seemed more jealous than anything.

The roommate of Lee Donghyuck had spotted his pray; who was observing the sweet sight of Taeyong dancing with Jaehyun along with his other two other friends who made their way to the dance floor; Doyoung and Jungwoo. The young male did not like dancing so standing on the sidelines was something he was more than comfortable doing, that was; until Mark approached him silently.

An open hand was displayed out in the border of Donghyuck's vision, at first he was as confused as ever as to why there was a hand, then he cocked his head to the direction of where the hand was attached to - for the first time that evening he made eye-contact with Mark, who oddly looked even more goodlooking in the dark area where they were stood beside the bar. There were splatters of moving coloured lights painting across the latter's skin, those lights pronounced those small almost unnoticed features on Mark's face.

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