Jared’s eyes hardened and his expression faded to an almost stone hard mask. Shoot, I guess that hadn’t been the right thing to say. “You don’t get it. You’ve never had it,” he replied, stalking up to me. I couldn’t help it, I screamed. Moving as quickly as I could, I scurried backwards on my knees until me back hit the wall. A million thoughts coursed through me, all blurring together. This had to be a dream. it couldn't be real. he couldn't be doing this. Oh Gods, how had this happened? How had I gotten into this situation, and how had he become twisted enough to actually try and go through with this?

     It was almost as if I wasn’t there for the next couple moments. It sounded crazy, but it was almost like I was disconnected from my body. As if I was watching it from someone else’s eyes, instead of my own

     I was still screaming when Jared got to me. I tried to fight back, clawing, hitting, kicking blindly, but it didn't help. Jared was a lot stronger than me. Somehow, he managed to force my hands behind my back, twisting them into an awkward position, so I couldn't move them. The hand that wasn't holding my wrists back reached up and tore my shirt off.

     Oh my god, he's actually doing this. This can't be happening. Please say this is a dream. Please.

     Jared reached up and grabbed my purity ring, twisting the thick silver band in and around his fingers roughly. "I never got this, you're not Christian," he said harshly.

     "The person who gave it to me was," I spat out, though it didn't have much affect because my voice was raw from screaming so much. Jared didn't respond, instead worked on unbuttoning my jeans. I kicked at him furiously, but the kicks I sent never really seemed to him.

     Some would say it was luck, some would say it was the working of fate, or some other source like that, but at that exact moment the basement door opened. Running rapidly down the stairs was Kaden, Kallie, Brett, Annabelle and Clark. For a moment, I forgot to breathe. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't been sure on whether or not they would be coming, but they were here.

     In a flash, Jared had a hand clamped around my neck. He pulled something from his pocket, a syringe, with something inside it. "Not another step," he threatened, holding up the needle as if it were a weapon, and well I guess, in a way it was. I grimaced and wiggled, trying to get out of his grasp and away from the syringe in his hand.

     "What is that?" I demanded, still struggling. Jared tightened is arm, almost cutting off my breathing. Dang, I really regret not taking the defense classes mom had offered to put me in last year.

     Jared smile bitterly. "Just a little something I took from the hospital my mom works at," he spat out darkle. I gulped and felt Goosebumps prickling at my skin. Whatever he had was from the hospital. Like, a probably only for medical people drug. This was a nightmare. I didn't know what the drug was, but I had a feeling it wasn't exactly the good kind. Would he try to do that, to continue, with them watching? Oh god.

     "The police are coming. You won't be able to hold this up forever," Kallie said, though I could tell from her eyes that she was lying. I wasn't going to tell Jared that, though. "Drop it, Jared."

     He shook his head, almost wildly. "No I won't let her win," he told us. Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy while I shot a glance at Blake. He returned it with a sad look, then walked towards Jared and I. Jared regarded him with suspicious eyes, but didn't make any threats. He let Blake slowly pull me away, though his hand clenched noticeably tighter around the needle.

     “I’m sorry,” Blake said. Jared opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, Blake’s fist slammed into his face. The next couple of moments were pure chaos. Kaden and Clark had taken Blake’s action as some sort of ‘Go’ sign and launched themselves at Jared. Brett was on the phone with, from what I heard, either the police or Kaden and Kallie’s parents. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Annabelle and Kallie approaching Blake and I slowly, wary expressions on their faces.

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