Chapter 11: Truth

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Jimin was on the floor with how much he was laughing. "My stomach hurts!" Jimin squeals out in between his laughing fits. Taehyung had told him how he decided to work a part time job because he was bored and alone at home. He didn't understand why it's so funny. He was glaring at Jimin. When he finally calmed down he looked up at Taehyung's face and tried not to snicker. "Anyway did you say all this to Jin-hyung?" Jimin asks. Taehyung frowned and then shook his head. He was worried about what he would say. "Will he be mad at me?" Taehyung asked. Jimin smiled fondly at his friend, sometimes he would forget Taehyung is older than him. He  always had a childish personality, but he was one of the most kind-hearted person he's ever known. That's why he was so crazy over protecting Taehyung, he could be easily manipulated. He was really angry and sad when he came to know that Taehyung was to be married to a total stranger. But, when he talked to Jin he knew that Jin was not a bad guy and he would look after him. Even though he was disappointed when he came to know about his boyfriend and the whole deal between Jin and Taehyung. But, he really admired Jin for his heart in not rejecting Taehyung. He had threatened Jin to take care of his baby Tae, and Jin promised he would. "I don't think he would be mad at you if you just explain it to him. As far as I know, your hubby is really sweet." Jimin assured him for the fifth time. Jimin's nephew came and tugged at his arms begging him to go back  home. Jimin smiled an apology to which Taehyung  nodded understandingly. They parted their ways and then only did realization struck Taehyung. It was time Jin came back! He sprinted like a maniac towards their home. When he reached he saw Jin standing in front of their door, looking at his phone. Taehyung took some time to look at Jin's profile which looked more beautiful under the evening light. He was broken from his appreciation of Jin's beauty when his phone rang. He took it out to see Jin's name and he looked at the man himself who was looking at him with his eyebrows raised. He walked forward and smiled his boxy smile. "Where were you?" Jin asks, albeit strictly. Taehyung fidgets his fingers and faces Jin. He sighs defeatedly and opened up the door and walked in. He sat on the couch and Jin followed his actions. Taehyung sighed once again and told the story again. Unlike Jimin, Jin didn't dissolve into laughter, he just nodded and said "It's okay if you want to work, it's just that let me know when your shift is." He was smiling, but his smile seemed to be blunt compared to Taehyung's obviously ecstatic smile. Taehyung hugged Jin tightly before saying a loud thanks. He then took off to the kitchen. Jin was confused as in what happened. He was blushing slightly when he remembered how Taehyung's warm body was pressed to his. What he didn't expect was the peck on his cheeks, which were now pink.

After showering and changing Jin came down to a delicious dinner on the table. He thanked Taehyung and dug in. Taehyung chuckled at how his husband can be such a child sometimes. He was also hungry and before Jin finished all the food he helped himself. He got a fright when he heard his phone ring. He frowned a little at the caller name. "Hello" he said to his ex after picking up. He was greeted back by an enthusiastic hello. He couldn't help but smile. "What is it Jungkook-ah?" He said his voice becoming soft, not going unnoticed by Jin. Taehyung was nodding his head to whatever 'Jungkook' was saying. Jin  was a little irritated when Taehyung forgot about his existence. He tried to listen to their conversation but failed. Taehyung finally said goodbye and cut the line. He looked at Jin as if realizing he was sitting in front of him all the time. Taehyung smiled a little blush on his cheek. "Who was it?" Jin asked trying not to sound irritated. Taehyung blushed a little and his smile grew a little wider. "He's Jungkook, he's wanting to visit me tomorrow. He was not here for the past few months so he didn't attend our wedding and I've not seen him for a long time." Taehyung said. Jin hummed and asked "what's your relationship with him?" Taehyung looked away, but replies "he was my boyfriend. We broke up a few months ago. Now we're just good friends." Jin was a little surprised. He did not like the sound of the Jungkook guy. He had a bad feeling about him. Well, it was too early to judge about that guy. He was feeling something he was not sure about.

A/n: I'm sorry for not updating for some time

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