chapter 1: new beginning

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Taehyung was feeling a lot of things. He was sad, happy, nervous and a little angry. Well he was sad due to his break up with his old boyfriend but then again that was a month ago, still he really did love him. Nervous  because today he would meet his  future husband then he remembered why he was angry, his parents had forced him to marry their friend's  son for  "family bonding" as they called it.
He sighs, he was ignoring the fact that in his heart's core he was thrilled to meet his to-be husband .
He had heard he was really handsome for a cold person. he really wanted a change in his life especially after all the horrible things that happened in his life. Taehyung left out a sigh
I hope he would like me.

He, as usual, was brought to reality by his mother's voice," Taehyung! the family is here."
He readies himself to face the person he would be bonded to in the not so distant future.
He walks out to be welcomed by the site of his father greeting a woman who might be the same age as his mother, a man a little younger than his own father, young man who looks like he is in his  middle age but no too old either and finally enters a 3-D version of the photos he saw which caught his attention. The man looked towards his direction Taehyung's heart skipped a beat but was back to normal when he saw the icy cold gaze.  
He was taken off-guard by a sudden hug taking the oxygen out of his lungs.
"Aren't you the cutest? You are a perfect match for my Jinne" Taehyung blushes at her mentioning that.
He heard Jin scoff and when he turned around to look he caught the same cold one that send shivers through his whole body, only this time he took his time to check him out, he was mesmerized by the broad shoulders and plumb lips and the deep brown in his eyes only if it wasn't this cold he could swear it will look more realistic and beautiful. He was broken from his reverie from his father clearing his throat.
" Why don't you boys go have a private chat?"
Taehyung looked like he was going to say no but Jin cut him to it " Sure. I really have to tell him something." Taehyung was confused
What does he have to tell me?
He just frowned and followed him.

A/n: sorry if it's too bad

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