(13) Catch up

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He wasn't saying anything; which resulted in a thorny cold silence.
"Amaimon just say something......you had no reason to manipulate and attack Rin back there. And grabbing me then trying to kiss me?! What were you thinking..?"
However much it strained on your heart strings you took your frustration out on Amaimon.
"I just got bored that's all"
"Bored. Is that what you call it now? But what was I expecting anyway, especially from those of your kind"
Amaimon narrowed his eyes.
"My kind?"
His voice went up a pitch.
There was no stopping you. Emotional attachment was long gone, even your voice was breaking with each anger spurt.
"Yes your kind; Demons. You don't care and you bloody know it, besides unless it's killing for fun then all you are in my eyes is just human predators. I bet you don't even care about me."
Amaimon flinched
"I do care"
"What that kiss? Ha I bet you were just gonna bite my face of so I can be a decoration for your little blood baths."

Words spat from your mouth. Words you would regret.

"-and you know what? I bet this is just a set up. Mephisto said he would protect me from demons..well that back fired didn't it.
......all I wanted was to be safe and make my mother proud."
"You are safe"
"No. No I'm really not. And you know why.. do you really want to know why I shouldn't trust you......say it"
Amaimon's breath hinched.
Your breathing was rapid, sweat was slowly coming down your face.
And with that, you turned your heel and angrily walked back to where you were before Amaimon had leapt off with you.
Once you had finally reached your group, all eyes fell on you. Everyone was scared, having seen you be picked up by Amaimon, they were terrified.
"DID HE EAT YOU" Shima blurted out.
No Shima. He didn't eat me, you spoke as you walked to over where Rin was lying on the ground with Shiemi who was smothering him with care.
Don't forget he has flames like you
Your thoughts spiralled around your head. However considering the events, this moment would not be the right time to interrogate him.
"I have been told by Mephisto Pheles that you are fully under his protection and I cannot interfere is that correct?"
Mr Okumura questioned you.
"Oh um... no"
Your anger from earlier made you lie.
"He told you incorrect information?"
A snarky response was appropriate now.
"Seems that way. Or you didn't listen to him properly"
Yukio raised an eyebrow whilst reloading his gun.
"Did that demon do anything to you?"
You shot your eyes over to Yukio. "No"
"Good as long as everyone is okay and safe then we shall be okay."
Looking around your group, it seemed that everyone was shaking, perhaps it was the sight of you being 'kidnapped' by a demon you were unsure. However as you got closer to Rin he seemed to flinch more.
"Rin are you okay..?"
Shiemi was stroking his arm.
"Oh okay.." You sighed as Rin had decided to not talk to you.
"That demon that took you earlier y/n I must find to kill, because if not then it will most likely come again and everyone will be at risk"
"You can't do that.. cause Mephistopheles will sort him out!" You spoke at Yukio.
"I agree with the kid"
All eyes turned towards the boy in black 'Yamada'.
"It can't be.." Yukio said obviously recognising the voice.
Yamada slowly pulled his  hoodie off.  "Holy crap" Suguro said softly.
"Sorry I'm not your average student but  my names Shura Kirigakure, I'm an inspector for the Vatican, upper first class. They sent me out here to inspect some suspicions of unwanted potential demon craft"
Your mouth hung open slightly at the woman who stood before you. She had blonde and dark pink hair in a ponytail and wore little to nothing.
However the boys in your group were more interested in something different.
"Look at those bazinga's!"
"Woah yeah, damn!"
Yukio yelled at Shima and miwa.
Who instantly went a whole new shade of red.
"Alright squirt your coming with me"
Shura instantly grabbed your arm and lead you a different direction.
"Wait Wait wait! Why are you taking me and not him?!" You gestured towards Rin.
"Ugh nah he has Yukio anyway, and besides I haven't had a girl to girl catch up in a long time ya know"
"Where are you taking me?!" You spoke as you quickly walked behind shura as she was pulling your arm."
"To the interrogation chamber"
"Oh be quiet I just want to have a little chit chat, and I'm sure you have a lot to tell me"
Shura glanced back at you smirking, making you gulp and panic.
"Here we are" shura said opening the door into a massive underground almost castle like structure.
"Ah Miss Kirigakure long time no see, your disguise back there really was applaudable, I had no idea!"
"You know him?!"
Shura looked at you then burst out with laughter.
"Well obviously,he is the Honorary knight of the Vatican and this place here is the Japan Branch"
"I see.." you spoke quietly.
"So mephisto do you have anything to say?"
Shura questioned the director.
"Me? Nothing at all"
"Hmpth, but what about the fact that her flames didn't turn up to day, but rins did or the fact you are using y/n for something?"
"I surely can't answer that because Rin is a worry for another time and besides I would never use y/n like that, how cruel"
"Right.. any-who mind if I use the interrogation chamber?"
"Oh go ahead Miss Kirigakure"
"Sweet thanks, I see your still cool as a cucumber"
"What a compliment, however I must be on my way, I need to have a chat with someone"
You knew who he was on about.
"Come on y/n we need to have a catch up"

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