(8)agonising redemption

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Your POV
Deep audible breathes of anger was what filled your dormitory room. Confusion fluttered around your mind. Why did mephisto make me leave?Even though it was only forenoon you were sure you might have woken up half the students at True Cross with your lovely little act of door slamming, but you knew it was the right thing to do.
Not that you had realised but at this current moment of time you were trudging from one side of the room to another; whether it was your subconscious giving you explanatory instructions but everything felt out of place you didn't know how to show or express what you were feeling however something felt off.
As your mind consumed you in dark thoughts a light tap was heard at your window making you jump feet.
Spinning your head around, you noticed it was non other than Mephistopheles's younger brother, king of earth Amaimon.
Walking over to open the window you stopped in your tracks. To your bewilderment he had managed to clamber his way into your dorm from the outside.
"Ugh hello..?"
You spoke to the green headed figure.
Geez aren't you just full of excitement
Amaimon blinked at you then suddenly returned to his cravings as he stuck a red cherry lollipop into his mouth.
"What are you doing here? Like I swear you have some sort of demon king royal duties to attend to.. or actually why the hell are you in my room?"
Amaimon just twitched his head. He looked bored.
"I don't have royal duties to attend to and Its not your room. It's big brothers..he's just lending it to you"
This guy is as cold as stone; I'm never gonna get him to break
"You didn't answer my question"
Amaimon butted in; with no consideration.
"Brother sent me here"
Now you were confused.
"You mean Mephisto..? He sent you here?"
The way amaimon was projecting his comebacks made you realise this was getting rather tedious for him.
"For going into this dorm last night and watching you."
That hit deep for Amaimon. The one thing he hated was admitting the truth, which is just what he hand pronounced to you.
"You what.
That was you.. you came into my room.."
You scanned amaimon's appearance as if you needed validation.
It was him.
The cloak and the spiky hairy; it all made sense.
It was if you had been stunned. A demon. The demon king of earth admitted he was sorry. A demon that you thought had no means of emotional interaction or even connection appeared to disconsolate
in front of you.
At that moment you didn't realise your cheeks were blushing shell-pink.
"Why are your cheeks turning pink?"
Way to ruin the moment
"Wha-? No there not! Anyway thank you for apologising; I accept your apology."
"Good. Brother wanted me to apologise to you."
"Oh right.."
You felt slightly melancholic all of a sudden even though you couldn't quite understand why. You were affected by amaimon. Somehow..
Amaimon shouted making you startle.
As soon as you jumped a small green and yellow goblin bounded through the window. It was a different colour to the ones you had been shown and taught about.
Slobber running down the side of the face made it look rather feral however it seemed cute in an odd way.
Behemoth stopped at amaimon's leg then made eye contact with you.
"Why have you got a goblin? Is it some sort of pet? It's kinda cute; what's its name"
Amaimon stuck his hands in his pockets whilst twirling  the lollipop round in his mouth.
"Behemoth is my familiar. You harm him in anyway way I shall kill you. His name is behemoth."
"Ohhh right that's why you shouted behemoth.. and kill me? Wow okay just slightly barbaric but I guess your protective over him"
"Brother wants me back now"
Amaimon's POV:
He lied. Amaimon could lie very well especially with the blank expression his face always carried.
Amaimon felt emotionally  involved with you.
I don't like it. I hate it. I can't feel this way.
Amaimon went to move out of the window but he looked over his shoulder squinting.
Behemoth had ran up to y/n and was nuzzling at her leg.
Y/n seemed to enjoy behemoths company.
"Awww your actually pretty cute."
Amaimon couldn't help but just stare. Confusion and happiness filled him.
"Hey amaimon before you go back to mephisto can I ask you a question?"
Y/n's voice filled the room.
"Why did you come into my dorm last night?"
Amaimon's eyes just opened wider and his cold heart started beating faster.
"I don't know"
He once again lied.
The girl seemed pleased with the answer then returned to giving behemoth lots of attention.
"Behemoth lets go. Brother is waiting"
The creature looked up at amaimon.
Behemoth wants to stay with her..
"Come on.. go back to Amaimon"
Your POV:
The creature looked sad but once again slobbered its way to his partner.
Amaimon said nothing as he attached the chain swiftly to his familiar.
As amaimon got on the windowsill he seemed to tense upon your voice.
"Goodbye amaimon; thank you for the apology"
No response was heard as he leaped out of the window.
Leaving you there with a heart full of agonising redemption.

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