Fluego Bar

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"Darling, I need help!" my mother yelled from downstairs.

"Why?" I yelled back as I finished my ponytail and started my skincare routine. "Mom, why!" I repeated.

My mother did not answer, and I sighed. I quickly finished the skincare routine and left my make-up upstairs as I headed downstairs towards the kitchen. "Mom, you said you needed help?"

My mom was quite busy, trying to cook, clean, and plan at the same time. I smirked. "What are you even doing?"

"Oh, Scarlett, thank God you're here. I need to cook, and this house needs some cleaning, and I have to update this calendar because your little brother suddenly has so much going on. School, you know?" she said in a hurry.

"Okay, sure. How can I help, though?"

"Tonight I have a shift at Fluego Bar. It's quite near, approximately 15 minutes away from home. I know I should go, but would you mind going for me?"

"Uhm... yes? Mom, I have no idea what to do behind a bar."

"Scarlett, please. It is very simple; you should make the drinks people order and let them pay. It isn't that hard. We need the money,' she said, somewhat annoyed by my attitude, and slightly sad about the fact she cannot do it herself.

As I observed my mother, and how well she is managing our family, I sighed. "Alright. I'll do it. Can I skip school tomorrow?"

"Yes. Your shift is until five a.m."

"5 A.M.?!?! Mom! Seriously?'

"Yes, and it starts soon, so please get ready. Wear good sneakers; you'll be walking back and forth a lot."


Mom said it started soon, but she didn't mention that it started within forty minutes. I needed at least twenty for my make-up, and it was 15 minutes away from home, and I needed to get dressed!

I drove in a hurry towards the bar, nervous about the shift. I felt really insecure about it all since I don't really drink myself. How am I supposed to know what they want? I don't even know how to make a cocktail. I mean, I know it is like some smoothie with alcohol, but that's about it.

As I walked in, I observed the building. Everything inside this bar was made of wood, giving the place a rather dark tone. Lights of all neon colors filled the area, causing the room to feel pleasant and welcome. I smiled to myself as I walked around.

The bar didn't have a typical theme. Most bars in town did, though. There's a bar that looks like the middle ages, for sure, and another bar that had this tropical vibe, with palm trees and sand on the floor. This one was neutral, although candles were burning. Not too much, since the place could catch fire, I guess.

The bar was on the right side of me while there was a stage on the opposite side. I hope my mom did not take a shift at a strip club or so.

My mom took several shifts from several companies. She isn't specialized in something, since she got pregnant with my little brother while she studied. She decided to quit her study to take care of my brother and me while dad worked aboard. Now she works shifts when someone is sick. That could be in a bar or at the supermarket. An all-rounder, that is what I call her. She can do anything, and it makes me so proud, like...that's my mother I'm talking about! The power woman.

"Oh, sorry, but we're closed. The bar opens within ten minutes."

I looked at the man next to me. He was quite tall and firm and cleaning a very fragile glass in his big hands. I blinked. "Uh... I have a shift here from now till five in the morning. My mom was supposed to work, but I replace her. I hope that is not a problem?" I looked at him with a bit of arrogance. He better not find it a problem.

"No, that is not a problem. You can join Lacey; she is your age and has a lot of experience around here. The bar is a square. You're standing on side 2 with lacey on side 3."

"Okay. Thanks. Who are on side 1 and 2?"

"Guys who want money. They are very skilled in earning that. Perhaps I'll let everyone help you. If you've proven yourself worthy, you could work here. The guys are Evan and Hugo. You know them?"

"I don't know Hugo, but Evan sounds familiar."

"Yes! Wonderful, I am glad you know him. I'll ask if he can help you out, it is good to have a friend around."

I nodded, but deep, deep down, I wish I didn't confess to the man that I knew who Evan is. He and his brother were honestly the only two human beings I tried to avoid on this planet- IF it is the Evan I 'know'.

You Dumped Spaghetti On Me.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin