The Phone

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"I cannot believe that idiot dumped spaghetti on me! AAH..! Such a butt! What a stomach with fat! I hate him! Such a pancake with pepper and salt!" I rattled as I walked home with Maude, meanwhile removing the noodles with sauce from my hair.

"He is a burned cupcake, huh?"

Even though Maude tried to cheer me up and tried to sound angry, I could hear the amusement in her voice, and it irritated me at the moment; it wasn't funny.

"He is, Maude. Please, it isn't funny."

"Sorry, Scar. Hey, I gotta take this bus home. Do you want to come with me or will you go home?"

I thought about that. I couldn't take the bus like this; I would make everything dirty. Although, walking home wasn't an option either. I'd be walking for at least 40 minutes. I shook my head nonetheless. "No, I think I'll clean myself up in a bathroom first. I'll see you around, okay?"

Maude nodded and waved goodbye as she stepped into the bus. I watched her until the bus drove away and I was alone. Looking down at myself, I started cursing again. My jeans, my shirt, my hair, my make-up; all messed up by that guy that probably has only one brain cell left in that mind of his.

I groaned and searched for my phone in my pockets to call my brother. Pretty sure he could bring me new clothes and take me home.

After a couple of seconds, though, I realized I was still searching for my phone. Did I lose it? Oooohhh, no, no, no, no, no. Please don't do this to me. I don't want to walk home for 40 minutes with spaghetti in my hair. If I'd be brave enough, I'd go back, dump some on his head and order him to drive me home- but obviously, I'm not going to do that.

I cursed when I realized my phone was really gone. It wasn't on me. I bit my lip as my heartbeat increased. My chest started to go up and down a lot faster than usual. Have you ever lost your phone? God, what a stress that thing gave me. I thought of all the places I've been to, and with a very annoyed mood, I started walking towards the restaurant again.


It didn't take me long to spot them again. They stood outside, near the entrance. Causing me anxiety for sure. Must they really stand near the entrance of the restaurant? Must I really walk passed them in order to go inside and check if my phone is there?

Is my phone worth this humiliation?

Yes. Sadly, yes. I need my phone to live.

That brain cell had an arm around the brunette while smoking a cigarette, and the brunette made a face every now and then whenever he blew out the smoke. Karma, I guess. She should realize that he doesn't care about people- probably not even her.

I'm judging, and I'm not sorry.

Then you have the beast, laughing with the blonde chick, and at last the guy with the brown hair. Now that I could see their faces, I couldn't help but observe them from a distance.

The blonde chick had a small face, her nose elegant and small, her lips very thin and her eyes almost a bit Asian. Her skin was sun-kissed, but I think she has more of a tanned-kissed skin. It looks like the kind of tan you get when you go to a tanning booth too often; you know what I mean? It didn't seem natural. She wore a pretty cute dress; white with little pink hearts on it. The dress had this A-figure, and she had a belt around her waist.

I looked at the other guy, the one with the brown hair. Oh my, he looked cute! Maude should've seen him. Definitely her type! The guy looked a lot like the black-haired bad guy, although his features weren't soft and feminine. They were rather sharp and hollow, although obviously not in a bad way. Well... maybe if he's like... eighty. Then you might see hollow cheeks.

He had pretty eyes, but I wasn't able to see what color they were.
When the bad guy came by to bring his gift, I spotted blue eyes, by the way.

I breathed in quickly and tried to breathe out slowly before I walked towards the restaurant. To avoid anything else being dumped on me, I looked at the bin standing next to them, on the other side of the pavement. I felt miserable and not ready for this walk of shame as I neared the group. Finally there, I walked passed them and into the restaurant.

I breathed out relieved, glad that I survived- for now. Had to go back as well...

I had heard the brain cell and brunette giggle, but I guess that chick wasn't any better than him - poor girl.

I got to my spot and saw my phone on the seat. With relief and happiness, I grabbed it and hugged it against my chest, my hands getting dirty instead of my phone. Yes! Yes! Yes! Bless my soul.

I walked out again, not really caring about the group anymore, but very aware that they had their eyes on me like I was their prey. I walked, passed them quickly before someone grabbed my arm, and pulled me back.

No, no, no, please don't do this to me.

I didn't have to turn around by myself since the person pulling me back had already done that for me.

"Would you mind letting me GO?" I was still not in a mood to chat.

The brown guy stood in front of me. We were a little bit further than his group, although they all stared. I swallowed when I realized he stood close to me.

"And take some distance?" Arrogantly, I asked.

Turns out the guy has green eyes.

"Yes, sorry," he apologized and took a step back. "Look, what my brother did-"


"Shhh, he can hear you when you talk so loud, but I-"

"Oh, no. I am so, so sorry for embarrassing you. Can you imagine how awkward it must be if someone hears you talking? Like, damn, that person can talk! She exists!" I said, sarcastically.

"Shut up," he said, definitely not amused. I was, though. I liked getting revenge. "What I wanted to say is, and please do not interrupt me for a second, is that I am sorry my brother did this to you. I could do something for you, if you want to?"

I raised my eyebrows in disbelieve. "Sure, you will help a stranger to get back at your brother."

"I am serious, stop acting like I'm telling you you've won the lottery."

"Well, I kinda did. What do you want to do?"

"Steal his phone and give it to you?"

My mouth fell open. "No, you can't do that. That's mean."

"Okay, but I already have it. Here," he said, and gave it to me when he noticed his brother didn't look. "Password is donuts."

I took it with shock and frowned. "Donuts?"

He nodded and rolled his eyes. "He likes donuts a lot. My name is Evan. My brother is Noah. Call me when you feel like he's got what he deserved. I'll come by and take the phone back."

I blinked, but Evan was already gone before I could give it back. I looked at the group walking away and bit my lip.

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