I ran a hand through my hair as my leg shook. Harvey placed his hand on my thigh and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I love you, okay?"

I nodded, too nervous and upset to speak. I felt like I was about to break down crying any second from now.

We lived quite far from the City so it took us quite a while to get home. I had time to calm my nerves but my shaking hands gave me away. 

Isabelle sung a pop song at the top of her lungs. I shut my eyes and listened to my daughter sing. Marcus's eyes were focused on the game in front of him.

We arrived at the house, all of the lights were off.

I swept my bag up. Harvey placed Isabelle on his hip and tightly held Marcus's hand. He undid he lock and opened the door. I ran to switch a light on to find the house was empty.

Harvey and I cautiously surveyed our house.

We were quite well off and managed to afford a large detached home with many rooms and twists and turns. I searched each and every section, twice.

Harvey watched me cautiously as I re-locked the doors.

I shook my head and forced myself to start dinner. I cooked the pasta absentmindedly as the kids watched TV. Harvey typed at his laptop, his eyes shuffling left to right every so often.

I dished the food out and we ate in silence.

My heart raced with every spoon full. 

"Marcus," I scolded him as he got pasta all over his mouth.

He gave me a toothy grin and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

Harvey snickered and shook his head.

He helped me clean the dishes, bumping his hp with mine every so often to grab my attention. We put the kids to bed and made sure their rooms were safe.

I got into the shower and got ready for bed. Harvey was already lay down. I crawled into bed and he gave me a smile.

"How you feeling?"

"Scared. Really freaking scared. I feel like I've hidden from this for years and it's coming up to haunt me now. I just...I just pray we'll be okay."

"We will be, you know we will be. We're a family baby. I got you."

I held the back of his head and pressed our lips together. He gave me a heart stopping smile and I shook my head. I knew I was overreacting, and even if anything else did happen, I'd have Harvey.

And him, and my kids, were all I needed to get through this.


I woke up in the middle of the night, sweat running down my body.

I took a deep breath and stood up, attempting to calm my raging breaths.

I walked down the hallway and switched on the bathroom light. I took a sip of water and looked myself in the mirror. My face was red and sweaty, I was a hot mess.

I shook my head slightly, telling myself that I needed to calm myself down before I started scaring everyone.

I heard Harvey call my name and turned around to walk.

"Coming Ha-"

A hand wrapped around my throat and I screamed, a cold metal knife was pressed against my neck. The hand cut off my breathing, I gasped for air.

Harvey stopped in the corridor, eyes wide. I scraped the hand on my neck with my nails.

I didn't even need to look to know it was Chris.

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