Five Minutes Earlier...

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Thankfully, I was on break. Ink wasn't being an oblivious idiot today, so I was watching the stars in Outertale for the time being.

It was peaceful here. The anti-void screamed, but this place, somehow so similar and yet so different, didn't.

That was always nice.

I sighed, my glitchy voice turning it into a freak show of an action.

There's something about me which I haven't told anyone—not even Blue—and that I know I'll never be able to tell. Each moment, I slowly break more apart. One day I'll be fully broken: unfixable by any magic known. I'll just be a pile of dust in the anti-void, waiting for someone to discover that the only one keeping the balance was gone.

I rubbed my fingertips, checking for today's decay.

A couple specks of dust drifted to the ground.

I stared at them as they disappeared.

Today's another day of torture. Nothing new.

But...maybe one day it'll chan—


The surface underneath me vanished, and I gave a yell as I suddenly free-fell through air.

Someone else yelled back, and I crashed into something.

I closed my sockets, holding my head and groaning in pain as whatever was in my skull throbbed. What in the multiverse just happened? I was sitting in Outertale...then I was falling...and I landed on—

"What the heck are you?"

My sockets shot open.

I was straddling a girl with (color/no) hair, (color) eyes, and (freckled/clear) (color) skin.

I didn't have time to look at them further, because my haphephobia kicked into gear.

I screamed at our proximity, before crashing. The world went black.

Thankfully, I was on break. Error wasn't being a cruel destroyer today, so I was doodling for the time being.

The Doodlesphere was quiet. The rustle of paper was constant, though, making it feel more full than it really was.

That was always nice.

My pencil scratched against the pad, still echoing through the practically empty void.

Why did I spend time here, again?

Oh, right—to keep an eye on Error.

I subconsciously rolled my sockets.

Error. I disliked the name majorly.

Each time we met, I was always two seconds too late to save a universe from crumbling into ash. Each time I locked eyes with him I scowled. Even without a soul, it's as though, somewhere, there burns a hatred for him.

I just...can't deal with him.

But of course I had to put on a smile for the multiverse.

What else could I do?


A portal swooped into existence a few feet away from me, and I paused my drawing, squinting at it.

It was almost colorless, except for a white glow around the edge and a gray sheen over it.

Then, like gravity, it began to pull me in.

{DISCONTINUED} A Skele-Reader (AU!Sans X Cursed!Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now