You Make Me Feel by @naoisewhite 07/10/19

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You Make Me Feel By naoisewhite

You Make Me Feel By naoisewhite

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Title: You Make Me Feel

Author: naoisewhite

Genre: Romance

Sub-Genres: Teen Fiction and Coming of Age

Primary Intended Audience: 13 - 18

Mature Themes: No

LGBTQ+: Not yet

Status: On Going (23 Chapter + a short Prologue)


Who knows how long it will take for me to get better." I say looking up at him, faced with the hope that's in his eyes. "It could be years." I tell him.

He looks at me straight on with a determined smile and says, "I've got time."

Cassie Mitchell is a high school student, just living day by day, not knowing what the future holds for her, she slowly drifts into the backround of her life.

Cassie has never been 100% normal. With a brain condition only allowing her to feel one emotion, happiness , she thought this would be the rest of her life.

That is, until she met him.

The new boy in town suddenly turns her life upside down, and makes her rethink things she never thought she'd have to. He came crashing into her life just at the right time.

Which makes Cassie rethink, all she's ever believed about her life.



The summary was going quite well until you gave that short authors note, that was a very big turn off for me. You're literally chasing away prospective readers, allow them to read and if they're not satisfied, they should leave on their own.

It's impossible for every single person to like your book

Advice to authors: Please don't ever put a disclaimer about spelling or grammar, every author makes those mistakes.

Summary Rating: 6/10

First paragraph of the first chapter:

You gave out a lot about the character here and that's really good. In my opinion I feel it would've been better as a conversation.

You could have started in a different way; we already know the name of your MC from reading your blurb.

First paragraph of the first chapter Rating: 6/10

Plot: Originallllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, like I say; even if your plot is cliché please bring in an original aspect to it.

I've never seen any book like this, the plot is quite unique.

This might be me reading a little too much meaning but; this book speaks about what people go through every day.

Plot Rating: 10/10

Cover Relevance/Design: Beautiful, I liked that she didn't use that font that's always used on all teen fiction books. That's a beautiful font but I loved this for a change.

Cover Relevance/ Design: 9/10

Dialogue/Description: She made us feel the characters joy and happiness, she portrayed the happy nature of the character quite well.

Although I feel it was a little bland sometimes

Dialogue/Description Rating: 7/10

Interaction with Readers: Yes, she replied to comments butttttt, there were no authors' notes, it felt like she didn't encourage a conversation between the readers and herself.

Advice to writers: Always make sure you put a small note to encourage readers to comment and maybe throw in a question at the end.

Interaction with Readers Rating: 6/10

Grammar/Spelling: There were no mistakes and she used appropriate words for the primary intended audience

Grammar/Spelling Rating: 8/10

My Opinion:

This was a very refreshing read, i love the cliche part and how diverse it is.

You have a very good plot, but what matters is how you use it. Take your time and read through your story, make it as beautiful and unique as you can.

Don't follow the trend, make your trend.

Very sorry if was rude.

My Rating: 19/30

Overall Book Rating: 7.1/10

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Till next time.

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