Inmate 1307 by @NellyBoit 05/10/2019

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Inmate 1307 by NellyBoit

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Inmate 1307 by NellyBoit

Title: Inmate 1307

Author: NellyBoit

Genre: Short Story

Sub-Genre: Romance

Recommended Readers: 18- 25 Yrs.

Mature Themes: No


Status: Complete

Description: A short story about an inmate and a reporter falling in love.


Summary/Blurb: The description is perfect was the story, but looking at it without reading the story makes the blurb look a bit amateur.

Summary Rating: 7/10

First paragraph of the first chapter: Like the last book, this author also jumped right into the story, for a short story this is really required and commendable.

This is quite hilarious, although I would love to share my joke with you but that would be giving out spoilers.

It's a short story; we don't need to have a long monologue at the beginning.

First paragraph of the first chapter Rating: 10/10


This plot is completely original, I've neverrrrr seen anything like it. It was love at first read for me.

This might be me going a little too deep, but I love how the author shed a little light on domestic violence in marriages. Most books on wattpad rarely talk about these diverse topics.

It felt really nice to finally have a normal guy; we should have more Male Nerds

(I think I might start a project on this)

Plot Rating: 9/10

Cover Relevance/Design:

The cover has a woman sitting behind bars, that's all. The quality of the cover isn't very appealing. It gives the book an unprofessional look.

A book cover is actually very important to the book. I would be more compelled to read a book with a beautiful cover than a book that doesn't have an appealing cover

Cover Relevance/ Design: 3/10


The description and dialogue are quite good, the author made sure to keep the topic light and easygoing.

It was very interesting to read, I love when an author uses good grammar structure and keeps it funny at the same time.

Dialogue/Description Rating: 8/10

Interaction with Readers:

Perfect, she replied in a nice and polite manner.

Interaction with Readers Rating: 9/10


Amazing, she made good use of her grammatical structure.

I love when authors use good grammar; it makes the book more interesting, although I've encountered some people who like average and normal everyday words in books.

I love both though

Grammar/Spelling Rating: 8/10

My Opinion:

I recommend this book to everyone, I think it's really a good story and it made me laugh, feel sad and a hundred other emotions just in a few minutes. It was a wonderful read.

I don't like the way it ended though, felt disappointed, Or maybe it ended too soon.

My Rating: 24/30

Overall Book Rating: 7.8/10

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Till next time.

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