Chapter 6

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<Lisa poV>

It's been a week since that incident with Jungkook. The blood rushes to my cheeks even when I just think about it.

"Who's the someone else you mentioned that day?"

But our moment was interrupted by his manager who came to our rescue. I thought he had seen through my lie but he hadn't. And maybe it did affect a little too? But if it did, why is he dating Rose? I mean they text all night. Two nights before I went to Rose room as the lights were still on and I couldn't sleep. I could hear her talking to him.

Rose is out of Seoul for the week. I thought it was a get away with Jungkook but it wasn't. She was going to meet Sulli. Her best friend.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone beeped.

Lisa? This is Jimin Sunbae.
Is this a good time to talk?

Yes Sunbae, what's up?

Is Rose around?

No Sunbae, she's out of Seoul
with a friend.

You're close to Rose and
Jungkook right?

You could say that,
I guess? I mean I'm
referring to Jungkook lol

Jimin Sunbae
Well, here's the thing.
Jungkook just told us
that they went on a date.
I'm desperate. You think
you can help me?

With what??

What's going on? Does Jimin Sunbae like Rose? Even if he did, why is he telling me out of all people. Should I help?

Jimin Sunbae
I really like Rose, Lisa.
We've been texting all night.
But she never mentioned
Jungkook and now I'm

I thought she texts
Jungkook all night!

Jimin Sunbae
I'm sure Jungkook can't stay
awake after 11. But I text her till
2 am. And she seems interested
too. I don't know what's going on?
I need your help.

Depends Sunbae.
I can't hurt my Unnie.

Jimin Sunbae
No hurting I promise.
I know for a fact that Jungkook
doesn't have strong feelings
towards Rose. So I can't wait for
the situation to get worse. And
I happen to know you like him.
It's a win-win?

Wait what? I don't like him!

Jimin Sunbae
There's no need to lie to me
Lisa! I've seen the way you look
At him. I think he might like you
too. There's no harm even if he
doesn't because I know for a fact
he doesn't like Rose. I mean

Why am I happy? I think Rose does like Jungkook though. But she's texting Jimin too. Maybe she's confused as well? Maybe if I help Jimin, the situation might get better?

What do you want me
to do Sunbae?

Jimin Sunbae
Two weeks ago, I remember
Jungkook telling me he was
texting you. I know he wouldn't
text if he didn't have interest in
you. Maybe if Rose hadn't asked
him out, he would have asked you?

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