Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Riley’s P.O.V

It has been a few days since I last saw Buffy. I wonder where she is, Aunt Bells keeps insisting that she went to a friend’s house. I was the first one home today, my cousins are at football practice, and my Aunt is at the store. She left a note on the counter giving me a list of things to do.

Things to do.

1. Please take out the kitchen trash.

2. Go get the mail from our mail box.

3. Do your homework

I’ll be home at 5. See you later.

Aunt Bella.

I looked at the clock, it was 4:32. I sighed and went to the kitchen. Grabbed a bag of chips out of the cabinet and took a hand full and shoved them in my mouth. I Grabbed the trash bag out of the trash can. And took it outside by the road. Then I went to the mail box, across from the drive way. It had started raining. I took the mail and looked through it, junk, junk, junk, Matt’s sports magazine, bill, bill, and a letter addressed to me.

I went in side to open my letter. When I opened it, I noticed that it was Buffy’s hand writing.

Dear Riley,

I don’t know what Auntie told you, but I am at a place on the coast, I DON’’T want to be here, but I don’t see any way out, don’t send a return letter!!!!!! I am fairly certain that I am not allowed to write to you, But I want you to ask Our aunt where I am and see what she tells you, when I was taken she did not look surprised to see the men there, I truly am fine, but please don’t trust everybody, but don’t show them That you are suspicious.

I will always love you Riley

~Buffy <3

P,S. keep a look out and watch your back, I will try to write to you again if I get and opportunity. But until then- Good Bye Riley.

The letter confused me. She didn’t want to be there. She wasn’t allowed to write to me, but she is fine. I can’t write back to her. And the thing that mostly confused me was that Auntie stood by and let her get taken away, and she didn’t looked surprised. I stood there for a few seconds. Don’t trust everybody. Keep a look out and Watch my back. I stopped thinking at paused at that statement there, she didn’t say that she’ll watch my back, she told me to, and if Aunt Bells lied to me, and let Buffy get taken, then I am truly alone. No. My parents, I’ll just call them and, and what, they left Buffy and I, what could they do about anything. They just left us, do they even deserve to know? No they don’t , but Buffy does deserve to get help to get out of there. I heard a car door, then I looked at the clock, it was 5 o’ clock. How long have I been standing here. I heard other voices, Matt and Xander were with Aunt Bells. The door unlocked. I did not move. I realized as they came in that I had dropped the other mail, and it was scattered all around me. I was still frozen.

“Riley!” Aunt Bells said.

“What’s the matter with him?” Matt asked in a voice that showed no sign of caring.

Xander just walked around me.

“What did you do!!!!.” I yelled at my aunt.

She looked so startled. “What do mean?”

I held up the letter in response. I fought to keep my voice from a shout, “Buffy, did you know they would come and take her?”

At this I caught all of their attention. Matt looked at me, while Xander watched Aunt Bells. “Let me see that letter.” Aunt said in a threatening tone.

I instantly regretted confronting all of them. I did not want to let go of this letter, I also suspected that she thought I knew more than I was implying, and I really didn’t know much, Buffy’s letter was so short. “The men, who were they?” I demanded.

“Matt, get the letter for me.”

Matt grinned. And I bolted up the stair case, which was where my room was, it had a lock on lt. Matt was faster than me, but I ran as soon as the words came out of Aunt Bella’s mouth. I got to the room first, but he was right on the other side, and I was struggling to get the door closed so I could lock it, but Matt was also way stronger than me, and I could hear Xander climbing up the stairs. I looked around as the door was opening more. The window was open, I saw a piece of paper, laying on my desk and the paper shredder next to it I ran to the window and threw the letter out of it, and then shredded the piece of paper, as the door flung open. I whispered under my breath, “Thanks for the shredder Aunt Bella”

Matt glared at me, then turned and yelled down the stairs, “The little punk shredded it.”

I smiled to myself. ‘Why was the letter so important to hide?’,’ Because‘. I answered myself, ‘it would be like giving your weaknesses to the enemy.

“Then I have a phone call to make.” I heard Aunt Bells say to them.

“Who is she going to call?” I wondered out loud.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Xander said in a taunting voice. Then he turned around and left.


Hey, I hope this was good, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make the characters act like this, but I thought It was good, so if you don’t like it, write your own stories! (Just kidding ;) )

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