Chapter 16

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                                                    Chapter 16

As the first week past, me and Connor starting spending a lot of time together. He was really cute, and smart, and hansom. I liked him.

“So, what do you want to do today?”

I looked up at him, “Same as usual, school.” I said in a “Duh” tone. 

He chuckled a little, “Today is Saturday.”

“Oh.” I sounded shocked. Wow time flew with him. “Whatever you want to do.”

“I was thinking a date.” It sounded like a question.

I smiled, “I would like that very much!”  I paused “All right, when and where?”

“I’ll pick you up at 7, and we can go to a restaurant.”

“Cool, seven.”

“Well, I’m going to go, see you later.”

“Bye.” I shut the door as he walked away. I had just went to the lounging area to pick up my book that I was reading, when there was a knock on my door. I recognized the fast paced rapping. It was Sandy, she had become my best friend, really my only friend besides Connor. 

“So, I hear you have  a date tonight.” she said, clearly looking for details.

“He’s gonna pick me up at 7 tonight. By the way, where did you hear it from?”

“I heard him talking with Ethan.” she said shrugging.

I still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that I had a brother who didn’t stop to see my while I was in  the hospital. We haven’t talked much. I suppose I was pushing him away, but really what kind of sibling doesn’t see you when you need them. I wasn’t sure exactly who my parents were. Nobody talked about them, and they haven’t come to find me yet, so why should I care.

“So I suppose you’re here to-”

“Help you get ready of course!”

I laughed, “Sandy I am a big girl I can get ready by myself, besides he’s not coming until  7.”

“Yes, but your fashion sense isn’t nearly as strong as mine!” she insisted. 

I rolled my eyes, “Lets go grab some breakfast.”

After breakfast, we spent the rest of the day shopping, then picking out an outfit, makeup, nails, and hair. It was all a long process that I am sure Connor won’t notice or really care about. Sandy looked at her watch. “All right it is time for me to go.”

A few minutes later, right at 7 there was a knock on my door it had to be Connor.

Riley’s POV

They let me out of the car. They didn’t say a word to me the entire ride, they were mainly arguing about which radio station or if they made a wrong turn or not. When we were driving down a road I saw a building, it was a huge complex, or a really big mansion, I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. 

I don’t know how they got to me so fast with only a few minutes of phone conversation, and a really long drive, but when we finally arrived one of them pushed my shoulder, “Get inside.”

“Hey!” I snapped. As we entered, so did Buffy and another man who had his arm wrapped around her. “BUFFY!” I yelled, she looked up.

“Who are you?” she asked.

What, how could she not know who I am? “Your brother!”

“WHAT is he doing here!” Yelled the man that was next to Buffy. 

This made her cringe which made me angry. “Yes, that is exactly what I would like to know.”

They ignored me completely  “Margret called, he found out about us and was going to tell somebody.”

“So you decided to bring him in, nobody would believe a kid anyway they would think he was crazy, but kidnapping? Two kids from the same school, neighborhood, and family where they would stop showing up in different places, IT DRAWS UNESSARY ATTENTION!” he paused breathing deeply, “What am I supposed to do now?”

Then a light clicked in Buffy’s head, the realization flooded her. A dark cloud formed over her face, “Get the HELL away from me .” She said shoving him away. “What did you do to me?” she asked a little scared now.

She started crying. “It’s okay.” I said. 

She looked at me “No, Riley, you shouldn’t be here. “

I was confused, “Yeah, and neither should you, now we need to get out of here.”

“Have you ever though that just maybe she doesn’t want to leave, she can be herself here, she won’t have to hide her gifts. She can be with her real family now.” said one of the men that brought me in, he looked a lot like Buffy.

“Take him away, get him a room I’ll figure out what to do later.” The man who was no longer standing next to Buffy said.

They grabbed my arms and dragged me away.

Buffy’s POV

I was so happy to be with Connor, we were heading down to the main lobby to head out for dinner when a boy yelled my name.

“Who are you?” I said 

“Your brother!” the boy said with urgency. 

“WHAT is he doing here!”  Connor said sounding angry, and scaring me a little. 

“Yes, that is exactly what I would like to know.” said the boy who was claiming to be my brother. 

“Margret called, he found out about us and was going to tell somebody.”

“So you decided to bring him in, nobody would believe a kid anyway they would think he was crazy, but kidnapping? Two kids from the same school, neighborhood, and family where they would stop showing up places, IT DRAWS UNESSARY ATTENTION!” Connor  paused breathing deeply, then finished more calmly “What am I supposed to do now?”

I felt bad for him. Then I thought, two? From the same school, neighborhood, and family- Riley, that was Riley, my little brother. Who I loved very much. , “Get the HELL away from me .”  I screamed shoving Connor away from me, I remembered trying to get away. . “What did you do to me?” I sounded a little hysterical. 

I started crying, I’m not sure why I started crying. “It’s okay.” Riley said.

It is not okay I thought, I put Riley into this situation by sending him that letter.  “No, Riley, you shouldn’t be here. “

He looked very confused, he didn’t get that this was my fault, “Yeah, and neither should you, now we need to get out of here.”

“Have you ever though that just maybe she doesn’t want to leave, she can be herself here, she won’t have to hide her gifts. She can be with her real family now.” Ethan said. I wanted to run and hug Riley, I don’t know why I didn’t.

“Take him away, get him a room I’ll figure out what to do later.” Connor said.

Ethan and Luke grabbed his arms and dragged him out of there.

“I guess you don’t want to go out to dinner now.” Connor said with a slight smile.

I walked up to him and slapped him. I ran to my room shut the door, locking it and I started really crying. Sandy was here.

“What happened?” she asked sounding really worried.

I shook my head and then ran to her and hugged her, the best thing about best friends is that they don’t push, they’ll let you cry until there are no more tears. Which I did.

“Do you want me to go?” she asked when I finally stopped crying.

I gaver her a small smile. She nodded, got up and left, leaving me in the dark all by myself thinking about what a stupid idiot I am. 


Hahaha that took forever to upload, very very sorry about the wait. Keep reading. Comment and Vote please!

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