Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It turns out that the school is in the same building as the hospital room. I am not sure why, the only thing I can think of any reason that a school and hospital should need to be in the same building. It makes me wonder even more where my parents are. And what really happened to me. The doctor had told me yesterday that I would need to come back to the hospital every day for “evaluation” but I wonder if I really have to. 

First hour was very unusual, I’m still unsure if I am mentally okay. Or whether people are trying to make me crazy. We were studying an ancient civilization that I am fairly positive doesn’t exist. It was quite fascinating though. The people in the class look strange. A few have different colors of hair, but not the occasional stripe. No the entire head is different, including the eyebrows, and eyelashes. Second hour was just a study hour, this was my first day back, so I didn’t have anything to study. 

As my day progressed, I began to really question my, and every body who’s here sanity. 7th and last hour the teacher called my to his desk while we were reading from a textbook. He had told me that I was really behind in this class from where I was supposed to be. He had said that he would get another student, to show me what we were doing. Then he dismissed me back to my desk. I opened to the page written on the board. “Techniques Used for Defensive Combat.” I did not understand most of what was in the chapter. The bell rang, I sighed and closed my book and shuffled out of the room with the rest of the class. 

I went to my locker, I wasn’t sure where to go, I really didn’t want to go back to the hospital area now. But I had nowhere else to go. I didn’t need any books, none of the teachers assigned homework. This other kid ran up to me, and I jumped a little, she smiled.

“Hi, my name is Sandy.” she said in a chipper voice extending her arm.

“Hello, my name is Buffy.” I said shaking her hand, but when I touched her hand we were both shocked. 

She started chuckling, “I know, and no need to shock me, lower your defenses.” Sandy said with a smile. 

“Lower my wha-”

But she cut me off, “You know, your big news around here. I mean with what happened to you and everything. Not to mention who you are.” 

I just nodded, I wasn’t sure what to say without sounding like an idiot. I looked at her trying to remember if I knew her, she was tall. Sandy had bright blue eyes, and brown hair. She was pretty tan. Nope I did not know this girl, or if I did, I don’t remember her whatsoever. “Sandy-”

“Yeah?” she cut in again.

I smiled, “You wouldn’t happen to know where I live do you?” I said trying not to sound awkward, and failing at it. 

But she didn’t hesitate, ”Sure.” She paused then a little smirk appeared on her face. “Do you?”

I sensed she was only joking, “Nope.” I answered with a shrug. 

Sandy smiled, “Alright, lets go.”


Once we arrived at my “house” I soon realized it was in the same building. How big is this place? I thought. I turned the knob. It was locked. I frowned. Sandy looked at me. “Do you have the key?” 

I took my bag off my shoulders. I rummaged through it, no key. Then I had an idea. I took a bobby pin out of Sandy’s hair. “What are you doing?” She asked I had it in the lock.

“Picking the lock.” I answered listening for the click.

“There is no way that you can actually-” But she stopped talking when the door opened. “How did you do that?”

I shrugged, “I’ve got no idea.”

She laughed. I took a step in. I turned back around to talk to her. “Sandy, you can come in ya know.” 

“Well I didn’t wan to come in without being properly invited.” 

I looked around, “How long have I lived here?”

She shrugged, “Not that long.”

I looked around, it looked like a hotel room, a very fancy hotel room. I was hungry and wanted a snack. I opened a door, and it was to the bathroom, then I went to the other door and opened it, my jaw dropped. It was a huge room filled with cloths. The proper term would be a closet, but that seemed to be to small of a word for this. A mini-store I thought to myself, only I wouldn’t have to buy anything because it was mine. She came and stood next to me.

“Wow.” We stood there together, she was smiling. At a little closer inspection I could tell that these cloths were pretty, but I couldn’t imagine myself wearing them.

“Well, there’s no food in here.” I said jokingly, closing the door. 

“Oh, why didn’t you say so, there are little areas in this building where you can go to get snacks and stuff.”

“Cool.” I said, but stopped to pick up a purse that was laying by a chair. It felt a little heavy. I opened it. Inside there was a little bit of money  that I grabbed, but there was also a few fruits, yuck I thought to myself. Throwing the rest of the contents into a trash can. I also grabbed a key that I presumed to be  the door key. It was laying on a side table next to my bed.

“Ready?” she asked me.

“Yep, oh and Sandy.”


“Here is your bobby pin.” I said holding it out and smiling. 

She took it and smiled.

As we were walking down the hall, a tallish boy stopped and smiled at me, “Good to see you’re up and walking around.” And he walked away.

“Who was that?” I asked turning to Sandy.

“Oh, that was Ethan.” She paused. “Your brother.”

“I have a brother, that was my brother?” I thought about it, he did have the same color of blonde hair as I did. 

I was about to say something else, but Sandy interrupted me, “Here we are.” It was a small little café place, they also sold soup, not the snack I would have chosen, but I’m really hungry right now. 

After we had finished our soup, Sandy said she had to go. We said good bye to each other, and went our separate ways. I was heading back to my suite, when I remembered I was supposed to go to the hospital. I groaned, but turned and headed there anyway. 

At the hospital, the doctor just asked me to tell him what happened today, so I did, he said he was checking to see if I would be able to remember. And obviously I could. He was about to leave when I stopped him, “Doctor-”

“Yes?” he said turning around.

I wish I had not said anything at all, but I did, and I needed to know, “Am I crazy?”

“Why on Earth would you ask a question like that?” I noticed that he had dodged my question. 

“This stuff… it can’t really exist, can it?”

“Of course it is all real.”

I nodded, “Can I go home now?”


I sighed and left. 


I give you guys win. I posted without my comments:( Ah well. Remember to vote and comment, also check out my other books ;)

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