Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I realized, that instead of just edditing and adding to the origional story, I can put in legit chapters :) Most of you probly already knew this, but it is a revelation for me! I know a little dorky right? But I thought this would be helpful.


Chapter 7: The Letter

I got dressed in a pretty pale pink sun dress, it had clear sequins on it, Mary Picked it out. I liked it. Even though there was a pocket, it seemed even more fancy than my green dinner dress.

“Alright! Let's get a move on.”

“Okay.” I said

I began to think, when I get there, I won’t ask anyone permission to send my letter, because I was not a prisoner here, when I thought this I knew I was wrong if I weren’t a prisoner here I would be gone by now, even with knowing how freakish I was. Ugh, but where would I find postage, an envelope, I even haven’t seen paper or pencils or pens!

She stopped suddenly and I almost ran into her. But I had quick reflexes and stopped in time. We were standing in front of a dark wood door.

“Well go on, knock.”

I did

“Come in.” It was His voice. Mary turned around and walked away, I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw her shoulders shaking as if she were laughing, I was torn between walking away with her, or entering. When all of the sudden the door opened. He was taller than I was, and he looked a little irritated, and tired.

“I said you could come in.”

“Well I didn’t hear you.”

He smirked, “Yes you did, liar.”

Whoa, hold on, back up. Liar, he called me a liar. Of course I did lie but that is beside the point, I have been dragged from my aunt's house, I was told I’m this thing,a thing that I don’t understand, and I’ve had to stay the night in this place, with people whom I would be happy not knowing.

“I am leaving.” I turned and walked to the nearest door which happened to take me to a room that looked like an office. I locked the door, and ran to the desk and quickly found a piece of parchment, and I was looking for a pen when I saw a bottle of ink and a quill setting on the desk. Wow. Old fashioned much? But hey it would work, while all the time he was banging on the door, Mumbling something, that I couldn’t quite understand.

Dear Riley,

I don’t know what Auntie told you, but I am at a place along the coast, I DON’T want to be here, but I don’t see any way out either. Please don’t send a return letter!!!!!! I am fairly certain that I'm not allowed to write to you.I want you to ask Our aunt where I am and see what she tells you, when I was taken she did not look surprised to see the men there taking me. I truly am fine, but please don’t trust everybody, don’t show them that you are suspicious.

I will always love you Riley

~Buffy <3

P.S. Keep a look out and watch your back, I will try to write to you again if I get an opportunity. But until then- Good Bye Riley.


Okay guys, I know you probably want to hear what HE has to say, and another Riley P.O.V. and I promiss more is to come so be patient, and keep reading, commenting, and voting :)

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