Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Riley’s POV

Okay, I just need to call mom and dad. I took my cell phone out. “Dang it.” It was out of battery. I looked around. It was a very big bedroom. With a huge wall of windows. Windows. I ran over to them. They were all locked. I reached forward to unlatch the lock and it shocked me. And not like those little static shocks, this was wired to do that, which of course made me angry. 

I flicked the window. It was regular glass. I had an idea, but if I did it, I would not be able to take Buffy. I decided that I would do it. If it worked and I could get away then I could tell someone, or call the police. I figured once I did it I’d only have a few seconds before they came in here because of the noise. Good thing I was the best long distance sprinter on our track team.  

I looked around, was there anything that I would need in this room. Nope. I grabbed the huge chair that was real wood and had studs in it. And threw it against the windows. The glass shattered making a huge amount of noise. I dove out the window, cutting up the top half of my arm and making a huge gash in my thigh. When I got up to run the pain was searing and I staggered, but I was able to run. 

I made it past the property line before I even heard people come out side to see what had happened. I was running down the road when I came across a gas station where a family was fueling up for what I guessed was a trip since they all looked irritated and like they’ve been sitting in a car for hours. I collapsed  and the woman screamed. I caught a look at myself in the car’s reflection, I was head to toe covered in blood, and I actually had a few pieces of glass stuck in me. I was panting very hard, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

“Call an ambulance” the man yelled as he rushed over to me. 

“My sister-” I mumbled.

“The ambulance is on its way.” he said looking at me.

“NO” I managed to say, “she’s in trouble, and she needs my help.”

Just then I heard the sirens. They lifted me up into the ambulance. They were all doing something to me and talking to each other, the family was actually following behind us. “No one is listening to me.” I said loudly, making them all look at me. “My sister needs help.” I said. Which probably made them think that she was in a condition like mine, but  I didn’t care what they think just as long as they go and get her. 

“We need to call the police, and tell them to search for a girl.” one of the people said. Another nodded. 

When we pulled up to the hospital they rushed me into operation room. As I fell asleep the last thing I thought was I hope they find her. 


When the anesthetic wore off I had stitches and staples all over my arms and legs. I even felt some on my face, I reached my hand up to feel.

“Don’t pick!” a nurse scolded.

“Did they find her?” I asked.

She had a look of sympathy. “Not yet.” and she sounded a lot kinder. “The police need to talk to you.” she said and right after there was a knock on my door.

The police entered, it was a girl who was around her late 20s and a guy in his mid 30s. The nurse left the room.

“Hello, my name is Clair, and this is my partner Van. What’s your name?”

“Riley.” I said.

“Well Riley, how are you?” The guy asked.

“I’m fine, can you just find my sister?”

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