Chapter 1

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"Come on Lu smile it's the last period on a Friday and your 16th birthday," Michael says in a chirpy voice

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"Come on Lu smile it's the last period on a Friday and your 16th birthday," Michael says in a chirpy voice. Luke sighs closing his locker looking over at his best friend. A smile takes over his lips when seeing his Michael's hair.

"You dyed it again," Luke says extremely happy with the color.

"Of course I had to dye it my bests friends favorite color for his birthday," Michael says running his fingers through his now pink hair.

"I love it Mike," Luke says hugging him. Michael smiles hugging him back.

"I'm gonna walk you to your last class then I'll be at your house this evening for your birthday dinner," Michael says wrapping his arm around Luke's shoulder smiling as the walk the short distance to Luke's junior English class, "Have fun with that crazy ass class. Still can't believe I past her class with a B."

"Only because I helped you. That's why I have a A in her class," Luke says as they come to the door where Loraine David was standing, "Good afternoon Mrs. David."

"Good afternoon Luke," she says smiling. Michael rolls his eyes murmuring about Luke being teacher's pet. Luke giggles stepping into the classroom, "Bye Mike."

He takes a seat at the circler table right in front of the door taking out his notebook and doing the bell ringers. Mrs. David walks in looking over her class before taking a seat and calling roll. After giving her students a few minutes to do their work she stands up walking to the white bored.

"Okay class we have a summative Assessment project to do. Instead of making you guys do this alone I'm putting you in pairs of two," she says looking down at her paper and calling off the groups. As he waits to be called Luke looks down at his paper sketching a delicate flower.

"Luke I'm sorry but your gonna have to do the project alone," Mrs. David says but changes her mind as someone walks into the room, "'Well if it isn't Mr. Irwin. You can take a seat with Luke he's your partner for the project."

Luke looks at the person who takes a seat next to him. His bronze colored curls where pulled back by a bandanna. His arms covered in multiple tattoos but the one that stuck out to Luke the most is the snake on his left arm. His hazel eyes dull and face bored with no emotions.

"Your project is to read the first two acts of William Shakespeare's Othello. Summaries every act and to descried ever character their place, what they do and why," Mrs. David says walking back to her desk, "You'll be working on this outside on my classroom and its due Tuesday at 11:59pm no later or it's a letter grade off. No you have test online to do until the bell."

Luke nervously looks at the boy next to him, "I'm-m Luke.'

"Ashton," he says lowly looking the blonde over, "Do you always where girly clothes?"

Luke looks down at his white long sleeve turtleneck and yellow Corduroy Overalls, "Yeah I do"

"Oh," Ashton says looking away from look to the table.

"So um this weekend do you want to come to my house to work on the project or yours," Luke asks nervously.

"No, why don't we meet at the library," Ashton says looking at look with those dull haze. Luke felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into Ashton's eyes. He nods his head biting his lip out of habit, "Yeah okay." he says as the bell rings.

"I'll see you at the library at 2'oclock tomorrow," Ashton says leaving before Luke could say anything else.


"How was school today Luke," Liz asks as the Hemmings and Michael sat around the dinner table passing around the food.

"It was good. I have to meet my partner for my project tomorrow at the library at 2'oclock," he says taking a bit of the salad his mom had made.

"Are they nice," Andrew asks eating his own food.

"I don't know he seems emotionless and cold," Luke says honestly. He looks over at his brother Jack and Michael who're trying to find out who can eat the most the fastest.

"Just be careful and take Michael with you," Liz says. Luke nods eyes moving from his mom to the empty chair beside her where his brother Ben would be if he wasn't away at college.


"Here you go Luke. I know it's not a lot but it's all I could get," Michael says handing Luke a terrible wrapped pink box.

"Mike you didn't have to get me anything," Luke says sitting up from his laying positon taking the gift from Michael. He unwraps it smiling a soft blush on his cheeks as he looks at what's inside.

"I know you've wanted a few pairs and now that your 16 you can look cute and feel sexy," Michael says smiling a blush on his cheeks as well. His face grows redder as Luke pulls out the three pairs of dark lace panties that would show off Luke's bum nicely, "The girl at the store helped me and even help with a discounts."

Luke looks at the panties a bright smile on his lips, "Thank you so much Mikey I love them."

"There's uh more that the bottom," Michael says rubbing the back of his neck, "Just don't let your Mum and Dad know I bought this for you."

Luke moves around more of the paper gasping when he see what's at the bottom, "Michael!" Luke face goes a bright red as his fingers trials over the lace lingerie set.

"What? I just thought that maybe you might want to wear it for someone special

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"What? I just thought that maybe you might want to wear it for someone special. And now you don't have to embarrassingly have to shop for it," Michael says putting his hands in the airs. Luke shakes his head laying it down standing up and wrapping his arms around Michael, "Thanks Mike you really are the best."

A/N: Please comment and maybe vote! I really wanna know what you guys think.

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