New Start

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Shadow's P.O.V.

I was shocked. She came back? I left when she left, following her like a shadow (no pun intended). I watched her fall in love which broke my heart. I watched her heart shatter and did everything in my power to not go to her and embrace her. I watched her move to the cold city of Chicago. Then, I watched her move back. I couldn't just show up unexpectedly, it would be unthinkable. But, I had no choice. I couldn't just be a shadow following her around, watching her. I came up with a plan. Guarantied to not rise any suspicion. All I had to do, was put my plan into action. I looked at Amy one last time before she left. It's morning and she was stirring. She woke up and I left.

Amy's P.O.V.

I woke up blinking my eyes feeling that strange feeling I was being watched. I've been feeling this way ever since I moved away from Mobius. I thought it would go away when I moved back. I shook it off and got up to get dressed. I felt a sudden change in the air. I didn't feel like I was being watched anymore. I thought I would feel better, but instead I feel scared and vulnerable like that shadow was protecting me. I sighed. 'Oh Shadow. Where are you? I miss you.' I thought to myself. 

I got changed into a white sleeveless blouse with a pink jacket, worn-out blue jeans, red flats, a red head band, pink heart earrings, a red heart necklace, silver brace lets on my right arm and gild bracelets on my left, a silver purity ring, a gold promise ring on my right thumb, and my hair down in curls. I sighed. 

I stepped outside into the cool fresh air and exhaled deeply. It feels good to be home. I walked to the bakery. I was the boss until I closed it down and moved. I took out the key and opened it. It looks like I didn't even leave, smells like it too. I took down the boards. I have enough money to reopen and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I put up a sign that says 'Help Wanted'. I went to the store and got some materials. I got back and turned everything on. Everything still works. I do own it completely and payed the bills before I left. I took out my baking materials and went to work. I set up some displays and some applications. I flipped the sign from 'Sorry we're closed!' to 'Good news! We're open!' 

I smiled I was cleaning up the place when I heard a 'ding!'. Costumer! I closed my eyes. "Hello. How can I help you?" I asked. I reopened them and almost let out a scream of delight. Cream! "Cream!" I exclaimed. "Amy?" she asked. I nodded. She smiled. "Amy! Tails said you were back. Everyone thought he was joking." she said in disbelief. I hugged her. "Well he wasn't. If he was, I wouldn't be here." I beamed releasing her. She grinned ear-to-ear. "Well, I came here for an application." Cream beamed. "Here you go!" I exclaimed handing her one. I smiled. "We'll have the interview tomorrow twelve o'clock p.m. sharp! Don't be late!" I warned. She giggled. "I won't." Cream said. She left. Things were looking up.

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