gaara the sleep succubus

307 14 5

7:00 a.m - Normal Chat

depressedhoe - i was gonna go to class

depressedhoe - but then i got high

depressedhoe - correction: gaara slurped all my will to sleep out of my body like it was a shamrock shake from mcdonalds

mantitties -  shamrock shakes are delicious so its understandable

anxiety but gay - have fun with your insomnia :)

depressedhoe - wish my insomnia would abandon me like my dad did in the middle of Walmart when I was 7

smoluwubean - ;-;

byakuGONE - same except it was Giant Eagle

Z A K U R A - I fear for you kids

idiot in hiding - dont worry they turned out fine

puppetdildo - what marvel character would you guys want to be

depressedhoe - spidermans uncle

puppetdildo - but spidermans uncle dies

depressedhoe - exactly

Z A K U R A -

idiot in hiding -  see? perfectly fine

lesbian queen - why does kank only come on when he wants to quiz us

anxiety but gay - kank is a very strang man

idiot in hiding changed puppetdildo's name to kank

kank - thank

anxiety but gay changed kank's name to kank thank

kank thank - thank x2

Z A K U R A - let's get ready for class before we are late again

depressedhoe - sir yes sir

7:15 a.m - hurrigays

depressedhoe - *skips school like a boss*

anxiety but gay - sakura's gonna kill you

depressedhoe -  a small sacrifice to pay for salvation

byakuGONE - is there a reason you are skipping school?

depressedhoe - mental health day

depressedhoe - also visiting my family doctor

anxiety but gay - we will cover for you

depressedhoe - thnaks

depressedhoe -  dont mention the mental health day thing tho i dont want people asking

byakuGONE - we wont

depressedhoe - thanks

anxiety but gay - should we get special names for this chat

depressedhoe - si

anxiety but gay changed their name to oven warmth

oven warmth changed depressedhoe's name to closet case

oven warmth changed byakuGONE's name to faithful ace

closet case - i understand all but oven warmth

oven warmth changed their name to gay sand dick

faithful ace - accurate

gay sand dick - rude

7:25 - Uchiha Family Chat

Dad Uchiha - Shut up you immature fools.

Crusty Dick - shut the fuck up you dumb bitch

Female Sasuke but Not Female - Jesus

The Sane One - Still don't know why I'm the sane one

Crusty Dick - because itachi's a tranny

The Sane One - OK boomer

Babey - Madara I will beat your ass

Mother Uchiha - Thots aren't allowed

Dad Uchiha - What's a tranny?

Babey - A mean word

Crusty Dick - I thought it was short for transsexual

Female - It's,,,, Transgender,,,,

Crusty Dick - either way I'm a lazy fuck and I apologize female

Obitobi - I hate you all

Babey - All I wanted was to go to the doctor's office ;-;

Mother Uchiha - I'll pick you up in a minute, Sasuke.

Crusty Dick - side message

Crusty Dick - hoes mad

Babey changed Crusty Dick's name to Dumbass Boomer

The Sane One - We all love and appreciate you Sasuke

Babey - :D

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