suigetsu, the cure to my hotel

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go to previous chapters for names i havent slept in 2 years

10:30 p.m - Normal Chat

anxiety but gay - who in school or this chat is kost likely to be a drug addict or drug dealer either works

toemari - gaara why do you need to know

lesbian queen - hun whats wrong

anxiety but gay - it feels like i havent had a drop of water or sleep in years

anxiety but gay - my insides want to be my outsides and i dont know what to do

toemari - dont resort to drugs

anxiety but gay - but i need them and it isnt my fault my doctor took me off the good shit and gave me something that makes me feel horrible and does nothing

depressedhoe - what you need my guy

anxiety but gay - i will love you forever if you could get me some ramelteon

depressedhoe - what are they giving you now

anxiety but gay - a hoe named doxepin

depressedhoe - give stash my friend only takes other drugs unless its me becuz im rich

depressedhoe - but hand em over anyways

anxiety but gay - ok here

depressedhoe - ill give my boy a call and he'll appear on your balcony just give them to him then

anxiety but gay - is your friend god??

depressedhoe - no hes just really stupid and doesnt know what doors are

Y O U T H - Your friend was Suigetsu?

anxiety but gay - hes a god and i love him can i keep the smol sharky boy

depressedhoe - the last thing suigetsu is is a smol sharky boy his pecs could probably reflect bullets

anxiety but gay - can i keep him anyways

anxiety but gay - he says I can keep him if i add him on here

toemari - saw him once in the halls i think. guy with white hair and purple eyes right

lesbian queen - yes that'd be him

anxiety but gay - hes my son now im adopting him and no one can stop me

anxiety but gay added Suigetsu to the chat

Suigetsu changed his name to your friendly neighborhood drug dealer

depressedhoe - have you moved onto the gucci shit yet

your friendly neighborhood drug dealer - Sauce, you know I only do the legal stuff.

anxiety but gay - meet my child everyone he gives me drugs so i can sleep

your friendly neighborhood drug dealer - They're medications that the government approves.

your friendly neighborhood drug dealer - My brother became a pharmacist because knowing how to use a sword isn't useful in these parts.

lesbian queen changed your friendly neighborhood drug dealer's name to your local drug smuggler

your local drug smuggler - Also am I the only person around here with decent grammar?

anxiety but gay - most likely

your local drug smuggler - Understood, have a nice day.

lesbian queen - I'd be surprised but he does hang out with Sauce

depressedhoe - only taka can call me sauce idc who you are

lesbian queen - oops

your local drug smuggler - I'm gonna get going now. If any of you need medications just add me.

anxiety but gay - you are a god thank you

depressedhoe - now you know how i stay relatively stable

anxiety but gay - suigetsu is the solution to all our problems

your local drug smuggler - Pay me enough I'll do anything as long as it's not anything inappropriate.

lesbian queen - praise👏👏

your local drug smuggler - Well, I have business to attend to, so I've gotta go. Goodnight.

anxiety but gay - for knce i can say goodnight back

depressedhoe - night feng shui

toemari - finally, i can get some good fucking sleep

lesbian queen - have a good nights rest

Y O U T H - Thanks for giving my bf his sleeping pills!

your local drug smuggler - np

your local drug smuggler has left the chat

anxiety but gay - hes a godsend

depressedhoe - i know

10:45 - Taka Chat

depressedhoe has changed the chat name to hoes

depressedhoe - sup hoes

pinkhoe - supreme hoe

birbhoe changed depressedhoe's name to supremehoe

supremehoe - thanks

swordhoe - Do you require assistance

supremehoe - taka assemble

birbhoe - which dorm?

supremehoe - karin she has the stash

pinkhoe - ill put on pants

swordhoe - omw

birbhoe - i shall be there in a few minutes

3:30 a.m - Normal Chat

depressedhoe - ive watched the bee movie about 3 times in quick succession

depressedhoe - i have met god and bathed in his tears

i like em thicc - sasuke please sleep

depressedhoe - you have no hold over me zakura

idiot in hiding has changed i like em thicc's name to ZAKURA

ZAKURA - shikamaru

ZAKURA - change it back :)

idiot in hiding - Jokes on you, I crave death

mantitties - babe please i just want to eat in peace

ZAKURA - Why is one of our token cinnamon rolls not asleep?

idiot in hiding - me

mantitties - valid

lesbian queen - guys please go to sleep

lesbian queen - also sasuke why

depressedhoe - its my mental breakdown i get to choose the stale meme

mantitties - valid

idiot in hiding - choji please babe no

mantitties -  love you shika

idiot in hiding - damn i cant stay mad at you, can i

mantitties - :D

depressedhoe - BLESSED

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