Chapter 5 "I'm sorry"

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I looked what I had in my hand, it was a stuffed animal, a Bunny.

"Hahaha oh my god a...stuffed..animal" I laughed between my words while Gun tried to snatch the Bunny from my hand."

"Does it help you sleep at night little boy" I then said and patted his head.

"Give it back to me!" he said with a shaky voice.  

"Will you follow my rules?" I asked him staring at his eyes. he didn't anwser he just looked away at the bed and then at the floor. It was quiet for a few seconds before I spoke.

"Okay then I guess I'll have to throw this away" I looked at the Bunny and then at the window.

"Don't even Think about it" Gun took one of the Bunnys ears and tried to drag it out of my hand. I held the body of the Bunny not letting it go.

"Let it go you asshole" Gun said, you could hear in his voice that he was about to cry.

"I will let it go if you follow all my rules and only mine and no others" I started to drag it harder.

"No why would I im not your pet just give it back!" he started to drag it harder as well and my grip got tighter.

We were both pulling the Bunnys body in different directons, the Bunny then got teared up into two piecies. I was now only holding the Bunnys body and Gun were holding the Bunnys head.

"look what you've done!" Gun screamed with tears in his eyes.

"Hey it's all your fault you were the one starting to pull it's ear if you wouldn't have done that it would not be broken at this point.

Gun looked at me with tears rolling down his eyes.

"It's only a stuffed animal I can buy you one hundred more of these" I said trying not to look at him, his eyes were staring at me filled with tears, why did i feel so quilty about this little thing? I cant even look at him.

Gun snatched the other peice from me and ran out of my room still Crying. I wanted to run after him but I couldn't move, I also didn't wanna show that i felt guilty.

"Hey what's wrong Gun?" I heard another voice outside of my room. I could hear Gun trying to form words but everytime he tried he only cried more.

I went out from my room to see who it was, it was the cute girl, Emma, his sister.

She was looking at me with a confused look and with worried eyes.

"Oh hey..." I said with a low voice.

" what's wrong with Gun?, what did you do to him?" she looked at me sounding a bit angry now. Gun has already gone down the stairs and gone outside.

" know" I couldn't form a sentence, I just couldn't say it.

"What? just spill it out I wont get angry" she looked at me siriously.

I didn't say anything I dont know what to do im usually not in situations like this, I just held the bunnys body in front of me looking at my feet. I have never felt like this, feeling so guilty about something so stupid. But when I saw Gun that sad I just felt horrible for some reason, but I cant show that Im felling sorry I have to be cool infont of Emma I looked up to face her and tried my best to stay cool.

"What did you do!" she widen her eyes and looked at the body.

"Why do everybody care so much about this stupid Bunny?, first of all it was his fault he was the one dragging it, i just wanted to look at it but he insisted so I kept it and he started to drag it and it broke."

OFF+GUN "didn't know it would be you"Where stories live. Discover now