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Wendy P.O.V.
Hi , my name is Wendy Heartifila.  I  am 16 years old , I ' m not your average girl I  kill people you may ask  " Are you  an assian ? " No my friend far better I ' m a yandere , I  kill for my love.  Also if you not a perfect much for my older sister  Lucy Heartifila prepare  to die.  Sorry .......... not sorry.  I am truly sweet but I have a crazy side.  " Do your sister  know about this? " Nah , I  keep it as a sercet . Tch...... I have  a target right , don ' t tell no one Kay?  My sister she lovvveee Sting . Bluh but he is a cheater  and he is  calling me names . He make me so mad ! I be sweet to him but he want to be a jerk so I  going to kill him in a few days.  Let him and my sister have fun .

Lucy P.O.V.
Hi , my name is Lucy Heartifila . I ' m 18 years old  . I have a sweet,  cute and funny little sister name Wendy. We live in Magonila also we go Fairy tail  High school  . Eekkk , our parent die in a car accident so I  have to take care of my little sis . These days I  find she acting a little weird but that part of being a teenager  .  Oh , I  have the most handsome and sweet  boyfriend ever his name is Sting Ecufflie  . I love him so much !!!!!!!

Nastu P.O.V.
So , my name is Nastu Dragneel.  I 'm 18 year old . I now moving in to Magonila planning to go Fairy tail High school also I have a little brother Romeo Dragneel . I use to have a girlfriend you may ask " What happen to her ? " I kill her of course . She cheated on me with Bixslow so I  kill both of them.  Revenge is so sweet . If you may know I am a yandere . I like to kill people so I  am also an assian . Ummmmmm.... please don' t tell Romeo but I  kill our parents not mom but dad . Mom die from a disease  . Dad was upset blaming it on me and every day he get  drunk and crap like that so I kill the old man . I was so glad , Romeo cry a little bit but he get over it. 

Romeo P.O.V.
I  am boy who like to play video games  and thing.  Oh , my name is Romeo Dragneel . I am 16 years old.  I  always look up to my older brother Nastu he is so cool  . One day I  ' m going to be just like him . Tho I  want  to know what happen to his old girlfriend I very well know Lisanna was just using Nastu.  One day she mysteriously die , everytime I  try to ask Nastu what happen to her , he always change the topic . Suspicious ..........

How was it,  it was madness right? 

Bye you guys !!!! 😊

Yandere love story ! 🔪 (Rowen and Nalu ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora