Chapter 2

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Remember I couldn't sleep that night. And I couldn't focus at all at school the next day. It's a strange feeling to be infatuated with someone you don't even know. But it made me feel excited and that's just what I needed in my lackluster life was some excitement.

After the restless day of school I had my best friend Ellie take me to the music shop for my guitar lesson with Calum. But when we arrived I remember being frozen. Not wanting to move from my seat.

Where in the world did all of my enthusiasm and adrenaline go?

"Ellie, I'm nervous" I tell her still sitting in her passenger seat.

"Hana, listen to me," she said smiling putting her hand on my knee, "They're just guitar lessons. I think everyone is terrible at first. I mean I've never tried it but I've heard. Now, get your butt up and let's go! You're gonna be late."

She just didn't understand.

I hadn't told her yet that my guitar instructor was Calum, the brown eyed God. And, I somehow couldn't bring myself to say it because it's kinda stupid to be so infatuated with a person that I talked to for the first time the day before.

I look up at Ellie's expression and I knew she saw right through me.

"Who is he," she sat back in her seat unbuckling her seatbelt raising her eyebrows.

"His name is Calum and he told me yesterday that he would teach me how to play. He has the most amazing eyes and-" I began to reply.

"You're nervous because he's hot and he's probably a great guy and all that," she unbuckled my seat for me, "and guess what Hana you're a hot too and he's probably just as nervous as you are right now, so get in there."

She slammed her door and walks out to the front of the car standing there with her arms spread at her sides in her blonde haired, plaid skirt, and thigh high socked glory screaming at me, "IF YOU DONT GET OUT OF THE CAR ILL TAKE GUITAR LESSONS INSTEAD,"

That got me moving. I slammed the car door shut as I got out and walked towards the front door of the music shop with Ellie at my side.

That's when I really realized all of this was happening. That I was going in and he would see me again and I would see him. I was nervous. I mean who wouldn't be.

I suppose I was taking too long or something because Ellie swung the door open entering the music shop with no hesitation. We enter and I see Calum behind the desk sitting there with a guitar and a pen and paper writing something. He hears us walk in and he looks up at us and smiled his million dollar grin.

"Fuck." Ellie sighed under her breath, "Is that him?"

"Yes," I glanced at her and elbowed her slightly in the stomach, "Don't get any ideas."

"Does he have any friends? Because I mean-" she was cut off by Calum's voice.

"Hana!" He says while walking closer to us with his guitar in hand. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be," I laughed while shuffling my feet.

"I'm just gonna teach you how to play the guitar, I'm not performing surgery," he laughed.

"Oh shut up," I hit his arm lightly, "It's okay to be nervous when you're trying new things!"

"Alright, alright," he smiled "Follow me, the lesson will be in the back room."

Calum started to walk away and I followed his lead, slowly observing the odd music shop as we walk along. This place is old, obviously, but it has a really cool vibe and I somehow always felt really at home. There are records lined all over the walls and song lyrics hand painted all over the place. Creating its own wallpaper that I instantly fell in love with.

It seems like I fall in love with a lot of things right away actually. When I see something I want I just have to have it, enjoy it, or be a part of it in some way. Take Calum for instance, I just met him the day before and now here I am so flabbergasted by him that I can't even form a understandable sentence, or look him in the eyes without my cheeks flushing a ferocious pink. I mean I wouldn't say I'm in love but I fell very very hard. Very very fast.

"Here's the back room," he smiled opening up the door smiling the smile that made little crinkles form in the corners of his eyes, "This is where the lessons will be from now on and-"

"Oh my god," I laughed a little, "Calum!"

In the room there is a couch. And on that couch there was a petite girl with hot pink hair making out with a boy with fiery red hair. And in an opposite corner there was the boy I saw the other day. Luke I think. Well he's sitting in the corner occupied by his phone with ear buds in listening to music. Completely oblivious to the situation that was right in front of him.

"Michael," Calum yelled, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"God dammit Michael!" The skinny girl yelled at him after tearing herself off his body hitting him in the arm before storming out if the room.

"Ember," he yelled chasing after her, "Baby please,"

The room quiets down fast with the flush of emotion rushing out the door, this left Luke sitting in the corner. Still oblivious to the situation at hand. Calum walks over to Luke and rips out his ear buds, pulling him out of his musical trance.

"What the fuck Calum!" Luke growled at him.

"Luke! Mate," Calum laughed setting his hand on Luke's shoulder bringing him standing, "Did you even know that Michael and Ember were in here?"

"I would have to be deaf and blind to not know they were in here," Luke tells him sarcastically picking up his ear buds and adjusting his beanie.

"Well, Luke you kind of have to get out I have a guitar lesson,"

"And how do I know you won't be doing the same shit that Mikey and Ember were doing?" He wiggled his eyebrows at us.

"Get the fuck out Luke!" Calum yells at him shuffling his feet, obviously embarrassed.

"Fine, fine," he said heading towards the door, "Cal, do I have to man the front desk?"

"Yeah man, I'm sorry" Calum apologized getting annoyed with him.

"Hey! My friend Ellie is out there if you wanna talk to her," I explained to him.

"Really?" He smirks tugging down on the side of his beanie.

"Yeah," I laughed knowing Ellie would be all over this guy, "She's the blonde one, with the plaid skirt. Probably has her face stuck in her phone."

"She sounds like any other basic-" he began to say before I cut him off.

"Thigh high socks, with the Doc Martins and the collar bone piercings" I knowingly smiled at him.

"Well, shit I better get to work then" he laughs jogging to the front of the store.

I walk and sit down on the couch laughing as Calum closes the door and pulls up a chair to sit in front of me.

"Well now that we are finally alone, tell me about yourself,"

You know that feeling that you have in a dream when you're falling. I felt that then but it never seemed to go away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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