Chapter 1

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I had a hard time that day looking away from his deep chocolate eyes. The ones that could make you feel surrounded with all the love in the world. But at this point I had no idea about the potential hypnosis of such eyes. Because all I could think then was, "damn he's hot".

And then the boy with the eyes spoke with a voice that matched the salacious eyes. A voice that replays in my mind and repeats without warrant. I'm taking a wild guess and thinking that by the way I'm describing his voice you would have thought he was reciting Shakespeare. But all he said was simply, "Hey?"

I opened my mouth to respond but all of my words were out of sight and out of mind. So, I ended up standing there shivering in my damp clothes with my mouth open feeling like I was drowning but appearing as a fish out of water.

His eyes furrowed and he stood up to come walk over to me from behind the front desk, "Are you okay?" He asked me again.

"I-it's raining outside," I muttered to myself. Clamping my eyes shut mentally screaming profanities.

He laughed at me coming to stand in front of me with his hands tucked in his pockets, "I can see that, by your appearance and by looking out the window."

"It's cold too," I shiver chuckling at myself, "Hey, do you mind if I sit by the fire to warm up? And call someone to come pick me up? Because there is no way in hell I'm going back out in that weather."

"Did you not know you were walking home today?" He said eying my outfit smirking.

"Yes! I did actually!" I blushed looking down at my outfit. I was wearing just wearing jeans, converse, and a flannel. A parallel of his outfit actually. "And who are you to talk we are basically wearing the same thing!"

"But I was smart because I have a car and I wore a jacket," he stated in a smug matter of fact tone.

"Well we can't all be perfect," I told him brushing his shoulder as I walk over to the fireplace.

"How in any way does that mean I'm perfect?" He retorted raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know I guess I should have said it differently," I said, sitting down taking off my bag and putting it down next to the small chair they had by the fire. "I should have said, not all of us are fortunate enough to have a ride home, or remember to bring a jacket to school."

"That sounds much better," he stated with a smile. Sitting right next to me placing his hands on his knees.

We sat there for a while taking in the heat of the fire. Taking in the heat of the moment. Taking in the awkwardness. Because neither one of us were saying anything.

"Aren't you supposed to be working or something?" I asked him while taking my phone out of my backpack.

"Yeah I guess I should be," he said rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks flushed a shade of pink. And he got up from where he's sitting going into the side room and leaving me by myself.

I called my mom that day to pick me up but I didn't really want to leave. I had that horrible and wonderful feeling in my stomach of being uncomfortable and exhilarated by the thought of that brown eyed boy and I didn't even know his name.

I looked around the store and just took it all in. The drum sets, guitars, records lined up all over the place. It was really remarkable how much was packed in the small store. I wondered if he played any instruments, because that would be so incredibly wonderful. Got up from my seat and walked over to the guitars. Picking up one and trying it out a little bit.

And it was in the same instance that he walked out from the side room. But this time he was not alone he brought out a tall blonde boy that I had never seen in my life.

"Come on Cal I don't want to work," he explained and holds up his fingers. "I'm this close to getting the chords right for our song"

"Luke come on you have to just for another 15 minutes at least," Cal I thought his name was said.

Luke muttered 'whatevers' under his breath and slumped behind the counter.

And Cal walks over to me and looks at the guitar I was holding seeming impressed. Which I had no idea why. Just because I was holding a guitar doesn't mean I could play.

"Can you play?" He asked me.

"Oh no," I responded my ears turning pink, "I've always wanted to though, it looks so cool to be able to play the guitar."

"I could teach you if you like," he states with a lot of enthusiasm. And then brings it down so it seems like he doesn't care at all. "You know if you'd be into that kind of thing."

I remember smiling really wide and replying, "I would absolutely love that!"

He looked down at his shoes and said, "Awesome, would you-"

Honk. Honk

God my mom had such great timing. (Note the sarcasm)

"That's my mom I should really get going" I said grabbing my things and walking towards the door.

"Wait, wait," he said "Can you meet me here again tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I think I can," I smile almost out the door.

"Wait!" He yelled out the door. "I didn't catch your name!"

"It's Hana!"

"I'm Calum!" He smiled waving from the landing.

And all I remember is not being able to wait until the next day.

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