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It was that Monday when I was walking home that the rain just never seemed to stop pouring. And the wind would not stop blowing.

Every inch of me was drenched. And on my walk home from school there is literally nowhere to stop and stay dry. Even if you go under a tree, larger droplets of water will douse you with the wonderful embrace of the Northwest. Which might be comfortable if I was a dried out fish. But, since I'm human and being dry is something I rather like, this was not the best option for me.

But, on this particular day I noticed that a little music store on the side of the road had a little neon sign that said open. Which this is really weird because I didn't even know that there was a music store in our town.

It was just like a little house that had been converted into a music store. The house itself was white with a red painted door and rose bushes all lined up along the side of the house. It was quirky and a little weird.

But hell, it was a dry place and there was no way I was walking the rest of the way home in the rain. So I ran to the house and stumbled through the door, making the loudest clattering sound with the bell and the door crashing closed behind me.

I remember clearly looking up from my shoes and seeing a boy staring me right in the eyes.

And it was then when I first saw him. The boy that changed my life.

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