Why! Why! Why!

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Work was not to bad today I only had 4 clients and they were all really nice. My boss said I'm her best stylist aswell. I got in my car and drove home. I heard shouting from the living room. But Joe and josh were away and why would Jack be having an argument on his own.

I walked into the living room. I saw conor sat on our sofa he had a black eye he was wearing all black clothes. Jack said "chloe I told him to go but he wanted to see you first." I felt my eyes water. "conor you were my best friend and you lied to me you lied to me conor and I don't think I can forgive you for that." I practically screamed at him. "I'm not asking for forgivnes I just need to tell you my side of the story." he started to stumble and cry over his words. "so we were together then we broke up when I told you we had broken up. Then when I tried to leave she smashed a wine bottle over my head. I ran away I went back home but she payed people to hurt me to beat me up. Chloe I hate her she manipulated me just to get back at you. Those photos aren't real there to cover up what she was doing. Chloe please forgive me. " conor spoke. We both cried and hugged each other." I believe you conor. "I spoke while nearly crying I had my best friend back." you can sleep in the spare bedroom bro."jack said. Conor nodded and walked to his new room. Jack came over to give me a hug" he could hardly walk when he came in. " jack said. I didn't say anything I just wanted Jack to hug me. In the morning I got dressed and I looked at my nose."jack my pearcing come out." I always hated this because I didn't have the steadiest hand and I couldn't put a pearcing in on my own. I tried to put the ring in but failed. "let me help you princess." jack said jack was a pro we got our nose pearced together. Jack helped me put the ring in and then him and conor went clothes shopping and 8 when to work.

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