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Conors pov

So for chloe's birthday I new I had to help jack tell chloe he loves her but I couldn't really because I was in London this weekend recording my new album I was about to go to sleep when I got a text.

Jack 😂

Jack: conor I need your help

Me : why???????

Jack: I love her so much that I'm scared she won't love me back

Me: of course she will ❤️love is in the air tonight 😍

Jack: shut the f up conor

I shut off my phone and fell to sleep.

Jack_maynard posted

Can't wait for chloe_rose 18th next week and can't wait to see her face when she gets that tattoo she desperately wants

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Can't wait for chloe_rose 18th next week and can't wait to see her face when she gets that tattoo she desperately wants

Comments :

Chloe_rose : just because you turned 18 6 months before me Mr maynard doesn't give you an excuse to mock me and I came with you when you got you nose pearced and all your tats 😊😂

Jack_maynard : no need to write 10000000 words but we got a nose done together on your 16th remember and I am waiting for you to turn 18 to go clubbing ❤️❤️

Conor_maynard : I Shure missed alot

Jack_maynard : because your a wimp conor_maynard

Lila_jones18_ I seriously ship Jack_maynard and chloe_rose ❤️

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