Friends! This word!

This word reminded me of the one-sided conversation from last night.

Could that be the reason behind this behaviour of his?

The teacher entered the class and started her lecture but I paid no attention to it. I was occupied in trying to figure out the reason behind his behaviour.

Maybe he wasn't expecting me to say those weird things and got slightly annoyed knowing what I thought of him.

'What do you mean by 'what I thought of him'? You haven't confessed something big to him, Tori,' My brain screamed at me.

'Yeah right! Because there is nothing big to confess,' I shouted back.

I sighed.

Me and my brain can never have a normal conversation. We always have to fight!

I rolled my eyes and looked at the teacher, solving sums on the board, pretending to hear whatever she was saying.

Maybe he was just surprised to hear something good coming from me for him. Maybe he thought it was sarcastic and thats why he is angry!

But that wasn't sarcastic! It came from the heart!

I wanted to scream and pull my hair in frustration.

Why is he doing this?

I couldn't think straight!

After about five minutes, I could draw a simple conclusion!

He never wanted to be my friend! Actually I think he just saw me someone he could flirt with and never ever expected me to consider him a friend. He probably was suprised when he heard that and now he doesn't even want to see my face, trying to tell me to get out of his life.

I felt a sudden pang of piercing pain in my heart. I gritted my teeth. No! I was not getting a heart attack but it was definitely a heart ache.

I take such matters very seriously and so does my heart! He obviously didn't want to hear anything sweet like that!

I never should have done that!

I shouldn't have called him in the first place. I would have thanked him in the school and then everything would be going normal and he would be sitting right next to me!

I gave one last look at him, before opening my notebook and absentmindedly copying whatever was written on the board.

After what seemed like forever, the class finally ended and I started walking towards my next class.

A group of girls surrounded the corridor and I had to find my way through the large bunch.

But what was happening? I stood on my tip toes and raised myself trying to see and thats when I saw him standing right in the middle and saying, "Thank you. It means a lot,"

He smiled at them and then for a brief second, his eyes met mine but he looked away to the girls surrounding him.

Okay now my doubts were clear. He really was avoiding me.

I moved back and without uttering a single word, started walking towards my class.

But what was he thanking them for?

I shrugged as I went inside the classroom and as usual, took the last seat.

The day kept passing and when it was lunch time, I walked towards the cafeteria hoping to find everyone there.

The cafeteria had more crowd than it usually does and neither could I find an empty table nor find any one of them seated on any of the tables. I looked for them but they were nowhere to be found except one.

Aiden sat on a table where he was alone. Actually alone from our group but he was surrounded by other people on the table. By people I mean that they were particularly girls.

What is going on today?

Am I really into this world?

I decided to leave the cafeteria and go back to the classroom where I had my next class.

Like this, the whole day passed and I was practically bored when the day finally came to an end.

While walking towards the exit, I saw Jessica coming out of the library.

"Hey," I called.

She looked up and greeted back. "Hey. How was your day?"

I rolled my eyes. "Weird,"

She furrowed her brows. "Everything alright?"

I thought for a while debating in my head if I should talk to her about it. "I don't why but.....,"

"But?" She questioned.

"Its about Aiden?"

"Aiden?" Her eyes grew wide.

I wasn't expecting this reaction.

"What about Aiden? You haven't talked to him today. Have you?" She asked, eyes still wide.

Why couldn't I talk to him?

"Umm no," 'Because he wouldn't even look at me,' I wanted to say this out loud.

"Oh thank God!" She said as she sighed in relief.

"But why are you so relieved to hear that?"

"Because we couldn't risk him knowing that we knew,"

Wait what?

"Jess what are you saying?" I asked, annoyed.

"Forget it. Where were you during lunch?" She asked.

"I should be asking that. Where were you all?" I said.

"We were planning in the library,"

"Planning for what?" I asked, confused.

"For his birthday?" She asked more than stated and looked at me like I was some alien.

My eyes grew wide. "Whose birthday?"

She rolled her eyes. "Ofcourse. Aiden's. Its his birthday today,"

I think I was going to faint.

I'm so stupid!



So what do you think?

C'mon peeps! Wish the birthday boy! Hahahahahaha!

Next chapter is gonna be a long one! I promise.

Love y'all

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