- Sugar and Blood -

Start from the beginning

"And since when are you so physically active, Bim? I know that Wilford sometimes is, but you? Did he gave you one of his shots?", Dark asked and raised an eyebrow, a bit worried that his assistant might have had one of Wilford's favourite 'Candy Shots'.

"What?! No! I didn't gave him anything! Those are only for me!", Wilford exclaimed indignantly and stood straight, slightly towering over Dark.

Before the situation could escalate, Bim jumped in between them and smiled brightly at Wil.

"Come on, Wil! We have a mission to accomplish!" With that, the show host sprinted away in no time, heading straight down the hallway to the front door.

Wil began to smile again and was about to run after his companion, when Dark took a hold of his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?", Dark asked strictly, his face shifting back to its usual stone face.

"Well, what do you think, Darkidoo? After Bim of course!"

"And where do you two want to run?"

"I dunno, downtown maybe. Doing the usual stuff I do.", Wil answered and shrugged his shoulders, trying to walk past Dark.

"I don't think that it's a good idea for the two of you to leave the area around the manor. You know what happened last time when you were this...hyperactive, Wilford."

"But Daaark! He practically asked me to be tickled with my knife! I didn't mean to 'kill' him purposely!", he put 'kill' in quotations with his fingers and tried, again, to squeeze his way past Dark.

"Enough. Go to your room and calm down. I don't want to chain you to your bed again, before you kill somebody, Wil.", Dark instructed as if he was a strict parent, and got a firmer grip on Wil's shoulder.

The mad man huffed and stepped back, throwing a frustrated glance at Dark.

"Ugh, fine! I'll go!" With that, Wil stormed off into the direction of the bedrooms, secretly plopping behind the next corner to reappear right beside Bim.

"So? Can we go now?!", Bim jumped up and down, eyes shining with joy and a hint of insanity.

"Away we go!"

The men left the house behind them, Wil dragging Bim after him into town.

"We are going to have so much fun, Bimmy Boy!"
- - - -

They were literally on the way to storm the town.
Unfortunately for them, Wilford and Bim's first encounter, when they were on their way to a public place, was in an dark ally. A group of five, a woman and the rest men, blocked their way, all masked with hoodies and mouth masks or scarfs.

"Hey you! Hold up! Where do you thing you're going?", one of the men asked.

"We are on our way to the local festival, sir! So may we pass by?", Bim asked politely, besides the burning fire in his eyes in combination with his charming smile.

"Youse two together?", another one spoke up with wide and shocked eyes, his accent sounding somewhat New Jerseyan.

"Us? No! We're just friends on an adventure! So can we get past you now?", Wil asked impaciente, while holding onto Bim's hand to drag him around, the other on his back to pull out his gun.

"Anyways,", the woman chimed in and pulled out a gun herself, "give us all your valuables and we won't harm you!"

Wilford and Bim just starred at the group, eyes going dull for a moment, before showing the same insanity in them. Bim got a hold of his throwing knives in the inner part of his suit jacket, letting go of Wil's hand and aiming at three of the men. Wil didn't hesitate to show his silver gun openly to his opponents, a sly smile under his mustache.

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