I asked mom about it, and it seems that he has been helping dad set up everything in the back yard for Kay's and Hannah's wedding.

Which is why it has been so hard to contact my parents from Italy. They were helping and planning Kay's wedding.

I adjust the cuffs on my pale yellow dress shirt, and swipe my hands across my pants to make sure nothing was sticking to it.

My hair was slicked back and straight. Concealer was applied under my eyes (thanks Arina) to make it look like I have actually been getting some sleep.

I went downstairs and outside to the backyard, and my eyes immediately spotted Ansaldo.

He was setting down a few chairs and speaking to dad.

It seems like they were very close already.

Mom was more hesitant around him. He knew the full story, unlike dad. Which I assume is why their relationships with him are already clearly different.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see Ansaldo looking at me. I blink a few times to come back to the present world.

He approaches me on the back porch, and stops in front of me.

I look at him. His hair is neat. A navy blue dress shirt rests perfectly on his torso. Black dress pants with tiny white stripes are over his legs. A pale pink handkerchief rests in the dress pocket. It was one of the wedding colors.

"You look stunning, mio Tesoro." He smiles.

I have no idea what he called me, but I somehow knew it was a good name. That gave me a weird, fluttery feeling in my stomach.

I study him. His smile slowly falls off his face.

"Liam! Over here!" I look past Ansaldo and see my mom waving me down at a seat.

I walk past him and off the porch, towards my mom.

He sits at the front, and I take the chair next to him. To my unluck, Ansaldo sits on the other side of me.

Mom begins to spark conversation with me, but I'm not interested. I stare blankly ahead.

The occasional tingle of my knee brushing Ansaldos leg on accident catches me off guard each time.

The ceremony begins, and Kay stands at the alter, waiting for Hannah.

Although I don't know her that well, I know she's perfect for Kay. They complete each other.

The vow exchange is what gets to me.

"I promise to always stick by your side. In good and in bad..."

I feel Ansaldo look at me.

"To carry you when you fall, to help you reach higher when you stand..."

I loose track of what is being said. All I can focus on is Ansaldo looking at me.

Soon enough, Hannah speaks.

"I promise to always support you. To always comfort you. To help you in times of need..."

I look at Ansaldo.

"To be your biggest help. To love you. To be the best shoulder to lean and cry on...."

I block them out again. I'm too focused on Ansaldo.

There's so much emotion between us right now. I'm sure Ansaldo can read me right now.

I feel my eyes tear up, and I look away when the priest tells my sister she can kiss her wife.

I watch the exchange, and feel extreme sadness.

Something that special was supposed to happen between me and Ansaldo. Not a fight with a witch.

I still feel Ansaldos eyes on me.

I watch Kay and Hannah for a moment longer, before I get up out of my seat and walk away.

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