chapter 8

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We watch each other, trying to decipher our reactions and I dont know what he got but I got nothing other then anticipation.

"That was cute, I liked it." I said trying to brush away any uncertainty and headed for the door but not befor I could catch his smile.

We found the kids outside playing in a sandbox that was covers by a big beach umbrella. And Linda was sitting with Scar talking while watching the kids.

"Where are my babies?" I hear coming from my side and I look up to see that Eric is all smiles, I hear a small squeak and look back to see Halo already crawling towards is and when Angel saw she was on the go he looked up to see Eric squatting down and picking up Halo to wich he clapped very adorably demanding Eric look at him, wich he did and headed over to him to collect him aswell and again Linda had her phone in her hand she then looked at me and waved it in the air and yelled.

"When ever you're ready!" I laughed a little and we headed home to get me and the kids changed.

The rest of the weekend went by nicely we had our date and I spent most of my sunday at my place alone with the kids, before bedtime Eric came over and stayed the night helped me get ready in the morning and get the kids in the car. So I could head over to the shop while he headed to work saying he would have love to come with me but he had an early appointment for a big tattoo. I didnt really mind I knew most of the guys there and I knew I wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

When I arrived at the shop it was still closed so I got out the stroller and by the time I got the kids strapped in Scar was pulling up on his bike.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I had to make a quick stop on my way."

"Its fine we haven't been hear for long."

"Good, let's head in and I'll show you around."

We went inside to a sitting area with a desk and chairs along the wall. Fist mission is to decorate this place I'm sure Linda barely comes here because it has no personal touches to it. Then he walked me through the stations showed me his office and introduced me to the guys I didnt know. Turns out the guys I meet at the first barbecue I was invited to works here he goes by Riper and he is 20 years old so I was righ he is younger then me by 3 years. He has dirty bold hair and blue eyes also cover in tattoos. And a nicely keeped beard. Kriss was also here but he paid me no mind he went straight for the kids. After a couple hours of work Linda called sying she was gonna bring lunch for me and the kids and I was thankful cause getting them in and out of the car would be a hassle. After another hour she came In with Chinese food and we sat down to eat with the kids sleeping in there playpen after a bottle of milk.

"Oh do you have any pictures of the guys that work her, I was hopping Scar would let me decorate a little."

"Yeah, I'll send them
to you tonight."

We keeped chatting and turn when we heard the door to see Erin coming in with a bad of food.

"I see she beat me to it, I was hoping to get here before she did but I got held back." He said while walking up to my seat and giving me a soft kiss.

"Its fine. I'll have it for dinner and I wont have to cook." I said while smiling up at him, he shook his head and went to the playpen to look at the babies.

"No you wont, I'll bring you something else over. The guys at the shop would probably eat it. Now how are my babies behaving today?" He turned and brought a chair to my side and sat down to start eating.

"They were good, gave no problem I got work done ordered some paint for this place white doesn't really do it for me." Linda snorted and looked at me with a Cheshire grin on her face.

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