Ch. 8 (PG-13, S): A Love Rekindled

Start from the beginning

Michael:    "Will na the coffee keep ye awake?  Arrre ye na sleepy, Madge?"  He asks as he leans over her, drinking in her intoxicating rose scent--occupational hazard for a florist.

Madge: "Yes I am a bit sleepy." Madge's hands still in their task as she replies in a small voice.

Michael: Michael leans into her and puts his arms about her as he kisses her temple."Then let us rrrretirrre to bed."  He says huskily in barely disguised ardor.

Madge:   "Us?"  Her eyes widen as her hands tremble.

Michael moves to Madge's side and he also turns her to face him, by gently touching her shoulders as his hands trail down her arms caressingly..

Michael: "Us." He nods his head affirmatively with a smile curling at his lips and he brings her hand to his lips for a kiss.

Then Michael takes Madge into his arms again and kisses her tenderly on her lips for several minutes--deepening their embracing.  At first, she is too hesitant to respond to him. Then her love for Michael overwhelms her and she kisses him back adoringly.  After a few moments more, she drags her lips away from his lips and she buries her head onto his broad chest.

Madge:  "I have missed you so, Michael."  Her tears begin to fall in response to the pain of their separation.

Michael:  "And I have missed you, Lass.  But I have been herrre all along.  Waiting forrr you to let me back into yourrr life."

Madge: "I'm sorry, Michael.  But when the car accident happened two years ago, all I could think of was poor Matthew and trying to help him recover." Madge looks pleadingly into Michael's eyes in hope of his understanding.

Michael:  "I know, I know.  But Matthew is getting better now--moving toward a new life.  Might we do the same?" Michael caresses Madge's cheek and she smiles lovingly at him.   Then he leans in and whispers into her ear. "I want to make love with you tonight."

Madge: She wants to, but feels shy.  "Oh Michael!  I do love you. But it has been two years since we last ..."  Her voice trails away.

Michael: "Aye! Two long  yearrrs.  I have yearrrned for ye, My Madgie."  His pet name for her.  "No else could everrr, nor would everrr, enterrr me hearrrt.  It is yourrrs forrr always."  

Then Michael passionately kisses Madge again as he scoops her up into his arms and carries her into her bedroom.  She cuddles into his shoulders and neck, clinging to him as she used to do before they made love.

Madge: Still she hesitates."But, Michael, I am not as young as I once was." How can she tell him of her fears?  That she has some wrinkles now and her breasts are not as pert as they once were, and her hips are ... more generous.

Michael: "Ye arrre me lovely lass. As beautiful as the day we met twenty yearrrs ago."

Madge: "But ..."  Her lip trembles.

Michael: He flips the light switch to off.   "If we make love in the dark, will ye make love with me?"  He asks pleadingly.  She hesitates, pondering that option. Then he drops to his knees and embraces her around her waist, nestling his head between her breasts.  "I'm sorrrry.  I'm sorry.  Perrrhaps our being together as loverrrs  is too soon forrr, ye.  I can wait, somehow.  But can we at least cuddle?   Fully clothed if ye like?   I love ye so, My Madgie." Michael whispers haltingly, lovingly as he lifts his head up and kisses her neck.

Madge: "No."  Madge sighs and runs her fingers through his hair--causing him to tilt his head and gaze up at her questioningly.   She leans down and sweetly and lingeringly kisses him on his lips. Then she whispers.  "Make love with me, My Michael."

"Lost & Found" (Revised for Wattpad), by Gratiana Lovelace, (2014)  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now