Chapter 30:nephinae

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"Hey, can you stand still for two seconds?" Wolf glared at me.

I stopped pacing and plopped down in a chair with a huff. It's been almost two weeks since we left on the ship and we were nearing our destination. Since the others still didn't entirely trust wolf I had asked the sailors to bring me a few things so I could keep watch over him full time. A chair and small table being some of them. I had more trust in him than the others since I had my spell, but my watching him made the others feel at ease, so I did. Wolf didn't seem to mind my company, and ignored me for the most part.

I knew the others weren't going to be happy about it, but as a bit of an experiment, I gave wolf one of his hidden blades a few days ago. To my surprise, when I did, the spell didn't react, which told me he didn't plan to use his weapons against me. At least at that time. Ever since then, I found wolf messing around with the blade a few times a day.

"We'll be reaching the port town sometime tomorrow," I said. Wolf didn't answer, and continued gnawing on a piece of boarjerkey we'd gotten for dinner," our agreement will be over when we get there, so I'll remove my spell once we get off the boat, ok?" Still no answer. I sighed and put my head down on the table.

When next I opened my eyes my shoulders were stiff and I had a kink in my neck. With a yawn, I stood and stretched. I checked my pocket watch to see that it was a little after three pm.

"Wow. I slept longer than I meant to," I thought, snapping the watch closed," guess we should be getting there pretty soon."

I looked around and spotted wolf curled up in the corner. His back was to me, so I couldn't tell if he was awake or not. I didn't really care and sat down again to wait.

How long? I'm not sure, but it felt like a while before I felt the ship lurch. At about the same time there was a knock on the door.

"Nephi, we're here." Lynari called from the hall.

"Coming!" I answered, standing to stretch.

I walked over to wolf, still in the corner, and kicked his foot," Hey, wake up."

He followed quietly as I made my way up to the main deck. I found the other passengers already there. The sky was starting to get dark, so I guessed it was getting close to six or seven now. After unloading our things from the ship, Jay and Kasey went off somewhere, leaving the rest of us to wait by the dock.

Everything happened so fast, I hardly had time to think as I pushed Ana out of the way. Taking the arrow myself. Within seconds I had activated [Black Fox Form] and whirled around, searching for the source of the attack. I caught a glimpse of someone duck around the corner of a building. Before I could say anything, Wolf took off in the same direction.

"Nephi, are you ok?" Lynari knelt next to me. She let out a small gasp when she saw the arrow," you're hurt!"

"I'm fine," I said, biting my lip as I pulled the arrow from my shoulder. I knew it would make the wound worse, but I couldn't afford to waste time properly removing it," go. Take Ana and the children somewhere safe."

"What about you?"

"I'm going after Kasey and Jay," I answered," hurry!"

Lynari nodded and I leapt onto the roof of a nearby building. Jumping from roof to roof as I searched for the two boys. I hadn't gotten far when a hooded figure jumped in front of me. I didn't stop running and slashed at them with an ice sword. They dodged my attack and I spun around in time to block their counter. Sparks flew as my sword collided with their axe.

A sharp pain exploded in my side and I jumped back as the cloaked person swung a hidden blade at me a second time. I barely had a second to think before the person advanced on me again. This time, landing a solid kick to my, already, injured side. I bit back a yelp as I felt a blade sink into my side. My vision blurred as I was sent tumbling across the roof.

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