Day Time

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"Why does this keep happening to me!" I yell as I run to the back of the football field. I start crying and see my friend Jacob walking. He then notices me and runs over yelling, "Hey, what's wrong?!?" "Nothing...*cries more but lighter*" Then he sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me giving me a comforting hug. We sat there for five minutes in a comfortable silence. "Are you okay?" "I am now. Thanks, Jacob, for ways being there for me." "No problem." We sat there for a while until we heard the bell ring for class. "Let's get going," he said. So we got up and went to get our P.E. bags and went our separate ways. Once we got dressed, we went to class and played capture the flag. The bell rang and we changed to our regular clothes and got packed up. Since his house is by mine, we walk home together everyday. He is the only one that's ever been there for me so he is all I have. We walked by an alley and I could've swore I saw something or someone. "Hey Jacob?" "Yeah Broken?" "Did you just see something in the alley?" "No." "Oh okay." After about 15 minutes we were at my house. "See you tomorrow?" "Tomorrow is Saturday." "So we'll just hang out." "Where?" "At city park." "OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU!!!!" "Haha I knew you would." "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!!" After that he went to his house and I went to mine and calmed down a bit. Once I did I laid down and thought about what would happen if everything was at peace and there was no war or bullying. "Ha. Like that would ever happen. *sighs sadly*" then I went to bed not knowing what's about to happen tomorrow...

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