Chapter 2

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(Quick disclaimer if I haven't said it already. Louis is extremely inexperienced and somewhat innocent and Edward is going to be a bit of a dick for the first few chapters.........also sorry for such a late update! I'll explain at the end)

Louis' pov

It's been two days since i got the job and i have been so excited to start. The triplets are all really nice so I'm not worried about them being too mean or anything. I start today and I've just finished getting ready so i go downstairs to grab some breakfast before i leave the house. When i get into the kitchen i say good morning to Niall and Liam who are too busy staring at each other to notice me. I grab some toast and go to my car, living with them is fun and helpful because I cant afford my own place yet, but i feel like I'm the third wheel all of the time! I finish my toast quickly and start driving to work before I'm late.
Once i arrive at work i walk up to the front desk where a pretty brunette sat at a computer. "Hi I'm Louis, it's my first day today" she smiles and me and tells me that someone will come and escort me to the triplets office. I take a seat in the waiting room and play games on my phone while i wait. After about 10 minutes someone comes over and tells me to follow them so I quickly grab my bag and put my phone away. I am taken to a different office than last time which confuses me a bit but i knock on the door and wait patiently but nobody says anything so i decide to open the door to see if anyone is in there. I slowly open the door a bit but just enough for me to put my head in and see inside but what i see makes me gasp, quickly close the door and blush like crazy. Marcel and Harry were making out on the sofa they have in there, while Edward was sitting on one of the office chairs rubbing his private area! I hear a lot of shuffling through the door and the door is suddenly opened quickly and I'm being pulled, by my wrist, rather forcefully into the office. I look around the room to see Marcel sat on the sofa while blushing, Harry is sat on one of the office chairs looking at Marcel and i look up to see Edward who doesn't look too pleased either. I go to apologise but before i can make a sound Edward interrupts me. "Why did you not wait for one of us to open the door or tell you to come in? The biggest rule here is not to come into this office without permission from one of us!"
I look at the floor in embarrassment and shame while trying not to cry because i hate being told off. I feel Edward grab my chin firmly, but not enough to cause any pain, and force me to look at him. "Do not ever walk into our office like that again. You will be out of this job quicker than you can blink. Do you understand me?" I quickly nod my head as best as i can and he lets go of my chin. "Go outside and wait for one of us to get you."
I quickly rush out of the door and that's when the tears start to fall. I try my best to wipe them away and calm down but i fail to do so. I see the door open again but this time it's Harry and once he sees that I'm crying he quickly rushes to me. "I'm so sorry about that darling, he got defensive about getting caught being unprofessional. You're not in any trouble I promise." He wraps me in a hug and rubs my back for a couple of seconds before pulling away.

He leads me back into the office now that I've calmed down and tells me to sit with Marcel on the sofa. I sit down and look at the floor, not knowing what to say or what to do. I look over at Edward and he's staring at me with a frown on his face. "Did i make you cry Louis?" I nod my head slowly while mumbling out a "yes sir." He motions for me to walk over so i do and he sits me on the desk. "I'm sorry for being so harsh sweetheart but you need to understand that you cant just enter a room like that." He rubs my arm soothingly and just as i am about to apologise again Marcel decides to speak so we all look over at him. "It wasn't his fault Edward, he did knock and wait and we were the ones being unprofessional." Edward doesn't seem to like what Marcel says as he clenches his jaw and glares at him. "We own this company and this building. This office belongs to us. What we do in here has nothing to do with anyone else and you know damn well that knocking and waiting for however long it takes is one of my biggest rules." Marcel quickly fires back. "You're being mean and telling him off for something he didn't even know was wrong!" Edward seems to get more frustrated and raises his voice. "I am not telling him off to be mean i am doing it so he knows not to repeat his mistakes. So do not try and argue with me again or you'll regret it!" Marcel goes quiet after that and looks over at Harry who starts to say "i think you need to calm down a bit Edward, not only have you upset and scared Louis but you have now upset Marcel. I'm going to take them to one of our separate offices until you've calmed down." Harry motions for me to follow him and he grabs Marcels hand and takes us to an office a couple of doors down.

When we walk in Marcel sits on the sofa that's in here and Harry sits next to him. "Take a seat wherever you want to Louis, i think we have some explanations for you." I take a seat on one of the office chairs and wheel it in front of the sofa so I'm directly facing them. "Edward gets extremely aggravated and mean when he's at work. I apologise for you being upset and scared by him, please don't let this change your opinions of him." Marcel adds on "as you could see we are romantically together, we understand if you choose not to work here if you're uncomfortable with it."
I go to speak but Harry quickly cuts me off. "I know it might seem weird and wrong but that's who we are so if the idea makes you want to leave then we understand fully. Marcel is the softest out of us three and therefore is the most sensitive so it's quite easy to upset him which Edward doesn't seem to think about. If you have any questions then go ahead and ask." I am too shocked and confused to say anything at first so theres a couple of minutes of silence before i decide to speak up. "I don't mind your guys relationship." Marcel looks at me with a confused expression and asks "you don't?" I shake my head and say "of course not, who am i to judge anyone?" They both smile at me and hug me as Edward decides to walk in. He comes over and wraps us all in a hug while continuing to apologise for his attitude. We all tell him it's okay and that the day can now begin properly.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in agesssss, i was busy with college and work and then just as i was ready to finish the chapter my new phone wouldn't work and once it had been fixed my sister went into labour so it's been pretty crazy :) i will try my best to be a lot better at updating!!

All the love!

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