Chapter I- Not Meant For Us

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You're probably reading this waiting to see something between my words that has interest for you.

But I have got you a little gift before I tell you what am I doing here, don't worry I have enough time before I go back!

Where?? You will know everything at the perfect time.

First of all, I'm Anubis, ahh yes yes don't be confused it's really my name as my parents were crazy with the History of Ancient Egypt,
They had hundreds of books from Known and Unknown Authors but sometimes I find books on shelves that have no names on it!

Simply old books with old papers even the pens that were used to write is very old as it's disappearing by time.

But they're dead now, My Parents, of course, they made an accident two years ago and I'm living now all by myself in a small house contains only 1 floor.
Three rooms, the biggest one of them is the Library, it's full of the books I've talked about and even more,
And the other two rooms were for sleeping they were not very big only the beds and table and some shelves for daily books and of course the Cupboard for the Clothes.

I'm not working at the moment it's something more like it's personal but I'll tell you.

It's because I inherited a big load of money when they died so I don't have a job for now and I'm living an easy life.

Oh!! I have a tip for you!, The Gift that I told you about before is one of these books.

There it is, no name of Author or even Titles it has absolutely nothing at all, Even though it looks much older than the others.

It has missing papers and it's very weak as if I made a wrong move it may cut into half so we must be careful using it.

You're perhaps wondering what are we gonna use this book for.
Hahahaha I was just like you! I didn't know what to do with an old book that has nothing to be understood.

Luckily I'm a language expert also very smart, so I was able to easily understand which language is this,
It was fully written in Ancient Greek,
But Ugh I couldn't translate it alone but  I have a friend called Michael, yeah I hear you "finally a normal name",
he was also very talented and had more languages than me, from here everything started.

I was ready to go to Michael so I took the Book and head to Michael's house,
It wasn't far from me so I went there walking about 15 minutes to arrive but on my way there, I think I glanced someone watching me behind a tree,
He was fully covered in black but at last, I kept going and didn't bother about him.

Arrived at Michael's house, it's a small apartment he lives there alone as his parents are in Australia because their work is there and they send him money every month and the apartment has only one room and a big living room with big sofas.

He opened the door smiling at me.
"you should have came earlier than that", said Michael.
"I come here anytime I want with or without your permission", I replied with a smiley face.

He let me go inside and without any introductions,
"show me the book." he said.

He was so excited to see the book so I took it from the bag and gave it to him, he kept checking it out like if it was some sort of treasure.

He opened it and started reading some sentences.
"Why did you come again?". He Asked.
We both laughed at the same time, we keep doing those silly things to each other a lot,
So, he continued reading and then told me; "why'd a Greek Book speak about Egyptology?". He was Confused.

"I don't know why are you asking me? ask the author himself when you die" I replied.
"And What is it doing with you?" He continued asking.
"Really? You don't know? Maybe because my parents were very obsessed with Egypt for some reason?" I replied making fun of him.
"The real question is how didn't I find it since those 2 years, I didn't even notice it!" I said.

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