More than a feeling

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A month later and the condition was very apparent, at five and a half months the bump was undeniably there, heavily accented by Merlin's slim belt wrapped near his hips and his tunic stretching tight over the mound. The days were now wearing him down and he'd began to feel a deep ache in his hips, Gaius explained it was due to the baby getting bigger and warned him it would get worse. But none of that deterred Merlin from his duties, he still performed his assigned responsibilities to Arthur's displeasure.

The next day Merlin had returned, at breakfast, the King informed him he'd have no duties to perform, which confused him until he saw George walk in with the King and Queen's food.

"So you're sacking me?" Came Merlin's surprised voice.

"What? No! Merlin, nothing like that. It's just-"

"So that's how it is, I save your life and you sack me!"

"No, Merlin."

"You know what?"


"I'm leaving, and you won't stop me this time."

"Listen To Me, Merlin!"

Arthur rose his voice almost shouting, which was enough to quiet his manservant down.

"I'm not sacking you, you're still in my employ, it's just George here is gonna... help you..."

"Help me...?" Suspicion trembled in the younger man's throat.


"He is to overtake all your duties until further notice." Arthur was scared of what his friends' reaction would be.


"No, he isn't, Merlin." Finally, Gwen entered the conversation.

"We just don't want you working, physically, in your condition." The queen tried to ease his emotions.

"Working physically in my condition..." He repeated the words back to himself slowly.

"This isn't a disease, you know, I can work, I'm fine."

"We know this is going to be taxing on you, we just don't want you to get hurt that's all."

"I'm not gonna get hurt. Arthur, get rid of him or I'm leaving, and you won't find me this time, I'll make sure of it."

The once and future King looked between his servant and his wife, Gwen pleading him to make the right choice with her eyes, and Merlin staring angrily, waiting for his answer.

"...George, you're dismissed."

"But, Sire..."

"Just... go."

A wild grin of satisfaction spread across Merlin's features, at the small revenge.

"Will, that be all, Sire?" The younger man smiled, happy to resume his job.

"If I see you so much as flinch, you're not allowed to work." Arthur threatened.

"Yes, Sire." With the matter settled, Merlin left. If he was to stay in Camelot till his final days, Arthur wasn't about to take away his only distraction.


So as he said he would, Merlin kept on working and as his body changed and his stomach grew he found himself working more and more, even if he'd gotten tired, but the worst development was yet to come.

The Lady Of The Lake and The Impossible ChildWhere stories live. Discover now