"Hey mom, it's me," I answered.

"What do you want?" her voice straight and annoyed.

No matter how many times this happens but every time it hurts like hell.

But I didn't call to hear her voice,
Okay, these are my last hours so I wouldn't lie.
I also wanted to hear her voice.

But my main concern was someone else.
So I said.,
"I want to talk to Amara"

"Don't you dare put her name on your filthy mouth, and No. you can't talk to her" I can imagine her face, all red and disgusted.

"Mom just once please let me talk to her" I basically begged her.

"Don't waste my time, and don't ca..."
Her voice was cut by another voice, "who are you talking to momma?"

Just her voice brings tears to my eyes and I controlled them.

"No-one doll, you go and play with your toys"
My mom replied to her with a sweet voice.

The same tone, I always wanted to be heard for me.
But then I heard some sounds of snatching and then footsteps.
I think she took the phone from mom.

I smiled even thinking about it.
"Amara give me my mobile, you should not do that doll" I heard my mom's yelling through the phone.

"No, I know who is on the phone" she replied and my breath hitched.

After the sound of shutting the door,
Amara said, " Hey, Carter. Is this you?"

My unshed tears were at the edge but I cleared my throat and said,
"Hey Angel, it's me. How are you? How's the school is going?  But first of all how you know that it's me?"

I asked Amara, I know there are so many questions but can you blame me. I'm talking to her, my little sister after 3 years.
I had thought that she would have forgotten me but I was wrong.

"Well I'm good, school is boring, just waste of my time, and every time at the same date of my birthday someone calls her and she just shushed me and tell miss ketty to bring me to my room.
Then I searched the number behind mom's back and it was Carter, means you.,but I was not sure that's why I didn't call, and today is not my birthday but still, mom shushed me that's why I thought it was you, and look I'm right" Amara replied.

It takes me some seconds to take all that in my mind.,
Wow, my sister is damn smart.
It made me smile again, Miss ketty is her nanny.

"Hello...Carter, are you there?" That brings me out of my thoughts.

"Yes..yes I'm here. Well, you are smart, I've to admin" I said.

"Of course I am. after all, I'm your friend., by the way, you didn't come to see me as you promised, I'm angry" she said and huffed.
I can imagine her cute face red with some anger.

"I'm sorry Angel, I'm really sorry.." before I could say something.
I hear the sound of someone's banging the door.

"Omg, I think mom will kill me if I didn't give her the phone but I'll call you after everyone sleeps, and don't you dare to sleep and not answering my call, okay bye," she said hurriedly.

"Bye Angel," I answered and end the call.

But will I be there to answer her call.?
I shake my head. I don't want to think about that.

I love you my Angel.
Now, I let the tears to fall.

Well, you would be confused so long story in short,
The one I call is my mom and no she's not my stepmom but my original.
But she hates me because I'm a proof of her mistake, her one nightstand.

My mom is happy with her family.
She, her husband and Amara.
She can't even stand my face.

My stepfather also hates me.
And Amara is my sister, but she doesn't know it, she is 10. she thinks I'm her friend and her mom doesn't like me because I'm poor.

But the truth is far away from that.

Well, she is my stepsister but I love her more than anyone in this world.
I even try to meet her every holiday I get but my mom doesn't let me.

Amara has green eyes like my stepfather and I have brown don't know from where?
Cause my mom has blue.

And from blue, I remembered her.

Fayth, I don't even know her!
No matter how much I tried I can't get her words out of my mind. Her voice so soothing.

She is also one of them. I thought.

But she looked genuine.
My subconscious mind replied.

No, she is also a liar!

She said she would not hurt you.

But everything is set, I can't just change my mind because of her.,

what about Amara, she would call you tonight, and After so many years someone cared for you, someone notices you.,That girl is different.

don't remind me that, and the care can be fake, it always is and I don't want that anymore.

But what if it's real?

Urggg...shut up.!

It was hard because of the way she sees me,
It was like she just knew how I was feeling like she knew everything.,
And it is impossible unless you are Aiden., Cause he has the gaze that can know everything just by looking at their eyes.

Let's just stay up for one day, let's just see what she wants to say.

All these things for one more day.
It's hard.

Just one decision.

I closed my eyes.

Okay, I take my decision.


Hey, beautiful people.
Sorry for being this late, I was having problems that's why.

This chapter is about Carter.
In my book, every character has their own story.

There are many forms of depressions.,
And believe me, it's one of the worst feelings in the world.
It is hard to even describe it.
I know it cause I've been through it.
And it feels good to say that, I've overcome that.

If you are going through it, then I would not say words like be strong or be happy. cause I know it's hard.

To be strong or even to be happy. When you all want is that two things.

But look back at all the things and let me tell you, you've been through a lot. No one knows but you know it. How hard it was for you. No one will ever be understood that. Just yourself.
So love yourself. Love your flaws accept them. Love them. And believe me, that's the truest love out there.

And don't let it win against you.
Don't lose.
Please don't lose.,
I care.
Love yourself, cause you are awesome as hell;-).


Scarlet Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें