pack meeting

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The pack has been ignoring Stiles ever since he was possessed by a dark evil fox just beacuse Scott wanted them to he thinks stiles is a weak human and cant protect himself but if only they knew what Stiles really is but he couldn't ever tell them mundanes about the shadowhunter world. There was a pack meeting going on about how they were going to kick Stiles out of the pack but little did they know Stiles was there listening in on the conversation will mostly Scott conversation about bow he was weak and a dumb human and couldn't protect himself or anyone for that matter which was far beyond the truth but they didn't know that and he hope they well never find out the only person that knew Stiles was there was allison because she could see him even if he was invisible she was a shadowhunter too and he asked her to stay quiet because Stiles knew if allison were to start ranting on about how scott was so wrong about kicking Stiles out of the pack because it wasn't him doing the killing it was the evil fox spirit there would be broken bonds with the pack because she would turn there world up side down real quick so they had to wait to the end of the meeting to talk once they got to allison's she was so mad she was burning a hole in the floor she was ranting on about how she wanted to skin them alive and RIP off there heads Stiles tried to get his cousin to calm down but it was no use he let her go on ranting until she was tired.

Are you done ali-bear?

Yes I'm done I'm sorry for ranting for so long but I just hated the way scott was talking about you like you never saved their lives and you never done anything for that got dame pack I hate him so much right.

It's okay and I hate scott to at least you and my dad and uncle are still by my side an love me

Of course me and the family well always be by your side we love you and plus your my favorite cousin clary come second

I love you too ali-bear now let's go too sleep I'm really tired and I know you are too for all the ranting and pit up angry

Yes I'm tired good night Stiles

Good night ali-bear

Little did they know isaac was standing outside allison house listening to their whole conversation because he was doing what Scott asked and made sure allison got home safely but he didn't expect Stiles to be here and he didn't expect to find out they were "cousin's " now he doesn't know if they're lying or not but he will find out one way or another he left the house with thoughts running through his head about if they were really cousin and if they were why they didn't tell the pack about this he need to tell Scott but tomorrow he was tired and his head hurt for thinking to hard on the information he just learned but wasn't suppose to know.

Stiles And Allison are shadowhunters Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora