I felt Natsu squeeze my hand trying to supress the pain, he didn't squeeze too hard but I knew he was holding back because he didn't want to hurt me.

...Always protecting me... Now its my turn.

With my free hand I searched my side for my keys and called out Virgo.

"Hello Princess- oh my! What's happened?" Virgo was stunned, she looked around for any enemies or monsters but none where in sight."Theres no time to expain, could you please go through the gate and get me a first aid kit or something like that?" Virgo nodded and fadded back to the Celestial World.

Moments later she appeared back with a small box and handed it to me.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Do you need my help Princess?"

"Lightning struck and it caused rubble to fall, one hit Natsu on his back. I'm not hurt, I don't think I need any help, thank you." Virgo bowed and went back to the Celestial World again.

I let go of Natsu's hand and moved to his shoulder to try and sit him up.

"What are you doing?" Natsu looked up at me while I struggled to move him up."What does it look like? I'm trying to sit you up so I can tend to your wounds." He slowly moved himself so it wouldn't cause any pain, he groaned when I touched his back.

"Natsu, I need you to take off you're shirt."

It was an awkward statement but, I had to say it if I was going to inspect his wound. He stiffened and I swear, I've never seen his face so red, even when he was sick. I couldn't help but let a giggle escape from me, he looked over and glared daggers at me.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, you're the one who's cheeks are redder than Erza's hair." I smirked and pointed at his face."Yea yea, what ever." Natsu grumbled and started to remove his shirt, he winced as the shirt moved across his back.

My face paled slightly and I hissed under my breath as his wound came into sight, it looked like he fell off a speeding cart and scraped his back agaist the pavement.

I'm glad its nothing too serious, I don't think this'll scar too badly..

"Is it that bad?" Natsu hesitantly asked as I examined the wound a bit more."No, it could be worse. I'm going to start cleaning it now, there might be a slight pain from the disinfectant. I'm not a doctor but I'll try my best to not make it hurt." I grabbed the box and opened it to get the disinfectants. I poured a bit out into a tissue and dabbed it on his wound.

His back arched when I pressed the tissue against his back, trying to get away from the pain.

"It won't hurt for long, plus if it stings it means its working, right?" I added as I continued cleaning his wound."Tsk, yea right." Natsu said sarcastically and clicked his tongue.

We didn't say anything for a while, well except for the occasional grunt and hiss from Natsu.

"Ok, almost done." I put away the tissue and looked through the box for the antibiotic ointment. Natsu spun his head round, his eyes gliming eagerly."Really?!" "Yes, really, now turn back around so I can finish." I agreed and grabbed his head turning it back around.

"Are you done yet?" A few seconds later Natsu abruptly asked."No, not yet" I dismissed him and continued to apply the antibiotic."How about now? Now? Are you done yet?" He continously asked impatiently."Almost, just have to wrap it up and then I'm done."

I went back to looking through the small box and got out a roll of cloth. Taking the cloth, I proceeded to wrap the wound, trying my best to cover everything.

"Alright! All done!" I clapped my hands and put the cloth that was left over back into the box.

"No you're not, you didn't kiss it better!"

Huh? Do my ears deceive me? D-did he just say I have to kiss it better? No, no it must be the rain making me hear things...

I rubbed my ears, checking that I could still hear right,"What was that again?" "Lucy, I said you have to kiss it better, it won't heal until you kiss it!" Natsu demanded like a child to his mother.

At that second, it was my turn for my face to turn crimson. I'm so glad he's not facing me right now, it would be too embarrassing to handle.

I hastily leaned forward, pressing my lips quickly against his back,"Happy now?" "Very!" Natsu turned towards me and grinned from ear to ear as the rain continued pouring.


(Hey again! Sorry that it took so long for this chapter to come out, I've had school projects to do and I've been a little depressed. Where I live its usually sunny and warm, but it just turned winter and all its been is cold and gray. I haven't been feeling like doing anything but I'm trying to write as much as I can every day. Thanks for reading, I hoped you liked it! Don't be shy or afraid to leave a comment! I'll try and write the next chapter as fast I can, but for now be patient. Thanks again, bye!)

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