It Got Worse

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Natsu's POV

It started raining.

Just what I needed, first Lucy gets mad at me for losing our reward, then we miss the last train and now its raining. The only reason I went on this mission was to get Lucy her rent money, but then I had to go overboard and burn everything. Ok, I admit it, was my fault but I'm just fustrated how Lucy got so quickly angry with me, it was almost instant.

Oh and on top of that, because of my big mouth, Lucy agreed not to go on missions with me anymore! Why did I even suggest that?!

Mira and I planned on 'finding' a mission that had a huge reward and was pretty easy. Mira stalked the request board for weeks to help me find one, she was really overjoyed when she found the perfect mission. I just wanted to kind of repay Lucy for letting me and Happy stay at her apartment some days and let us eat all of her food. Now, my plan failed and its worse than before, it wasn't even bad before all this.

I hope she was kidding about not going on missions together, cause if she wasn't, I'm not going to like trying to convince her to go on missions with me again. There's going to be lots of apologies and lectures about fire safety....

Back to my situation, luckily I brought a sleeping bag with a small bag attached with it full of stuff, mostly junk, just in case this was the rare time we didn't have to take the train and finally walk. And just as I suspected, this was one of those times.

At least I don't have to get on the awful train again. It looks like Lucy didn't bring much, maybe if things simmer down I'll let her borrow my sleeping bag. Only if things do, if she still wants to be mad then she will just be cold. Who am I kidding, I'm probably going to give it to her anyways, the guilt will make me even if I don't want to.

We started walking into forest for cover from the rain. It was relentlessly, the rain that is, even though the thickness of the trees, you could still get drenched from the rain. Luckily for us there was an abandoned cave for shelter and we immediately fled under it after a quick glance to see if it was safe. Wouldn't want to wake up a sleeping bear with our kind of luck today.

While we were walking, we didn't speak to eachother at all. Lucy's probably giving me to silent treatment. The rain doesn't bother me much but Lucy is obviously freezing. Im mad at her but, just looking at her shivering makes me just feel so bad and its not my falt. Oh wait, it really is my falt that she's freezing.

Great now I feel even more guilty. Oh rain, thank you for making me even more guilty. Thanks. Just, thanks.

I couldn't stand to have Lucy look like this so I took off my bag and tried to hand her the sleeping bag. She shook her head and pushed my hand away."You're freezing, don't even try and say your not.." I wrapped the sleeping bag around her even though she tried to protest."Thanks.." Lucy mumbled as she brought the sleeping bag closer and started to calm down.

"Aren't you cold too?" She tilted her head towards me."Nope. Im a stupid fire dragon slayer remember? I'm fine." We sat there as the rain stormed, I don't know what would have happened to us if we weren't lucky to find this cave, probably stuck in the mud soaked to the bone..

"This doesn't mean that I've forgiven you, you know." Lucy glared at me and I nodded my head,"Yea I know.."

At least I'm getting closer. She can't stay mad for too long, right?....Right?!


.... I'm doomed aren't I?...


(Ok so, posted this a bit early. Would have posted sooner but wanted to redo somethings. Hope you peeps liked it! Don't be afraid to make a comment! Also I won't be updating for a bit longer, I haven't had much time to write because of school work. Please be patient with me, and thanks for reading! Bye!)

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