Untitled Part 6 unedited

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A few doors down from the ballroom I lean against the wall using my fingertips to rub at my temples, offering a small relief for the headache weighing my head down. My ears twitch at the sudden quiet as opposed to the music and chatter of the small ball not too far away. Hands falling to my sides, I lean my head against the wall and try to relax my body from being so on edge around Sebastian.

The raucous din in the ballroom seems to lessen as the musicians take a small break. Groaning softly I quickly leave the wall and head towards the guest bedroom Lizzie had used earlier, seeking some semblance of peace there. As I roam the halls a dark shadow hovers behind me, kissing the hem of my kimonos train while I struggle to keep a slow gait.

I won't show him any weakness, not after he figured out my secret and seems determined to make me miserable. A cool breeze brushes past my left, flinging the little bits of hair that have fallen from the ornate bun atop my head into my face. I brush the hair aside and look up once again to find Sebastian standing right in front of me, barely a foot between our bodies, "I do believe you have an issue with personal space. Or rather, lack thereof." My voice sounds strong, unmoved by his actions, the complete opposite of my mind.

His deep chuckle rumbles out of his chest, a miasma of shadows bleeds out from behind him with his response, "Now, don't be so hostile. I saw you leave the ball and thought you might need assistance, now what kind of butler would I be if I did not attend to my master's guests every whim?"

"One who understands that this guests only wish is to be rid of your mocking smiles and stares." My withering glare only serves to make him laugh, the hearty sound reverberating off the walls in the large hallway. I could easily just walk around him, but my body makes no effort to leave. Something about this strange and inhuman being keeps me rooted, my instincts screaming at me not to show him my back or stay in his presence much longer.

Those disturbingly entrancing red eyes close in a friendly smile, "Why, you would make it sound like you dislike me. You have only met me today, have I done something wrong madame?" Sebastian hasn't moved a muscle and yet I struggle to brush off the feeling of being wrapped snugly in his embrace, no escape available.

"Pray tell me why I should like something who cornered me and manhandled me so? I've already told you that we both know that neither of us are human, that I will stop at noting to determine what you are and if you are a threat to Lady Elizabeth or Lord Ciel. I may not look like a formidable foe, but do not underestimate me. My ears are not my only defining feature," my voice is low and dangerous, venom dripping from each word. I cannot hide my accent because I am too determined to properly pronounce this foreign language. My only thought is to make sure he understands my intention to protect those I consider family, and Ciel in my brother-in-law for all intents and purposes.

The two of us glare harshly at the other, not backing down for anything. My mistake is believing it was safe to blink, I should have learned otherwise from our last encounter. In that nanosecond Sebastian takes the one step needed to completely close the space between our bodies, wraps one arm around my torso pinning my arms to my side, and forcing my hands to rest on his chest in an effort to create at least a little space. I open my eyes and open my mouth to rebuke him but his other hand grabs my chin and forces my mouth closed, "Now, don't think that I have forgotten our last private meeting. I know how determined you are to place yourself between me and anyone you care to protect, but your soul is not pure enough for that kind of work. Leave the Earl to me and nothing he does not welcome will harm him. That I promise you," Sebastian's smirk grows when his finger covers my lips, stopping my futile attempt to interrupt him, "And as for our true identities? We both know that a demon cannot hide from another demon, so cease this silly game of yours."

My body stiffens so suddenly that if Sebastian did not have such a tight grip on me I would have surely fallen. Demons? What is he talking about? It makes sense for him, but am I? Could I? I was always told that my abilities were due to a curse! My mind spins in circles, trying to connect the dots, there are many differing legends about demons and their attributes I couldn't possibly deny or accept this to be true.

Sebastian had said "we both know that a demon cannot hide from another demon," does that mean he believes us both to be demons? If so, I could ask him, "Demon? Is that what you are? Do you include me in that classification? How do you know? I-" I catch myself before I stupidly admit that I don't know what Sebastian is talking about regarding my own species, "I find it hard to just take you for your word."

Sebastian's gaze hardens as he stares into my bright blue eyes, searching for some answers for himself and finding none. I force my expression to hide my lack of knowledge and confusion behind a wall of anger, hoping that he will think me still upset while in his embrace, "Would you try to say that you are human? Do not try and fool me. You know very well what we are," his arms drop from my body, but he does not step away, a guarded look in his eyes contrasted by a sly curve to his mouth.

My little interrogation seems to have confused the self-proclaimed demon, hopefully it is enough to escape, "Well then you've taken all the fun out of conversing with you tonight. I'll leave you to your business, so long as you leave me to mine. That last goodbye was not the extent of my strength," I toss the words behind me as I turn and walk back towards the ballroom, desperate to be free of Sebastian, and once again, he lets me go.

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