Untitled Part 5 unedited

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Once the door is closed I feel myself relax only slightly, tonight will be difficult to get through if he will be looking over my shoulder all evening. A small hand touches my elbow and I whirl around to see a startled Lizzie surrounded by confused servants in ridiculous costumes. "Tsuki? Are you alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost."

Lizzie's concerned remark brings back the memories of what just happened, but I force a calming smile onto my lips, "Oh it was nothing, I just got caught on something and got scared, I fear that I've lost my ribbon though. Nor could I find you one for Grell's hair. It seems as though I failed my mission." I say, closing my eyes as defeat tinges my expression.

"Oh its alright, it's time for you to get ready though! Oh I am so excited to show you what I've brought for you! Do you see Antoinette over there? I've made matching outfits for you since you both came from Japan and I thought you might like to have a reminder of home," Lizzie continues talking, knowing that the tears forming in my eyes are tears of joy. I have always missed Japan and the calming way of life there, so any reminders of my home reduces me to tears, I can never stop myself.

I let my memories of my family's happier days take me on a journey as Tanaka helps Lizzie properly set the many layers of kimono upon my slight frame. I think I even remember getting a glimpse of the real Tanaka making an appearance to describe something to the young girl as they leave me to my thoughts.

The clock on the ball room wall reads 6:22 once we finally finish dressing everyone up and decorating the mansion. It seems as though Mey-Rin is the only one to escape Lizzie's clutches once again, where as Tanaka and I sport matching kimono (the only differences being hair color and that I insisted keeping my kodachi tied at my waist). Bardroy sulks in a girly sailor uniform, Finny tries to make the best of his adorable bear maid outfit, and Grell laments to us all as Lizzie chases Mey-Rin around the ball room trying to force her into relinquishing her glasses. Apparently Grell's only issue with his attire is the color choice (which I find weird as in Japan red is a color used for brides instead of white), and poor Mey-Rin cannot see without her glasses.

Just as I am about to cut in to save the maid from any more discomfort a voice cuts in, "Just leave her alone."

Each of us look up to the grand staircase as Ciel descends them, Sebastian trailing behind like an obedient puppy. I can feel those red eyes staring at me again, the hidden agenda behind them making me self-conscious in my traditional kimono. Under my dress, my tail twitches anxiously. My ears perk up and focus on the sound of his steps, the movement of his shirt expanding as he breaths. Resisting the urge to make sure that my hairstyle is covering my ears, I busy my hands with straightening out the sleeves of my outfit and fidgeting with the lie of my Obi.

Mey-Rin sags in relief as Lizzie's attention focuses on her fiancé, "Ciel, you look adorable. That outfit is absolutely perfect!" The moment the boy steps off the stairs Lizzie takes hold of his arms and swings him around and around merrily, as if it's a game for her.

I am often astonished by the speed in which Lizzie's mind changes course in the midst of her ramblings, and I find myself struggling to keep up once she realizes that Ciel is missing a part of his outfit, "Ciel, why aren't you wearing the ring I brought you? It matches your clothing perfectly, now, where did it go?"

"The ring I already have on will work."

"Guh! No! I went to so much trouble, that ring isn't cute at all. Oh, why wouldn't you wear the ring that I picked out specially for you? You're so cruel, I just want everything to be perfect for our lovely ball, a-" Lizzie casts herself to the floor dramatically, fake tears lining her eyes as she laments to us all about her lover's cruelty.

It seems as though I am the only one to see through the ruse because those around us seem slightly concerned for the girl, "That's not it, Lizzie, this ring is-"

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