Untitled Part 8 unedited

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Bumps and dips lull my thoughts into a calming trance, the events of tonight and my past melting into nothing as what is left of my world sleeps. My singers never ceasing their gentle caress of my dear Lizzie's features. In the back of my mind I feel the carriage slow and pull into the long driveway of the Midford Manor.

Sadly I pull myself into the seat opposite where Lizzie lay once the carriage pull up to the front doors. Bright light from a candle fills the cabin as the door is thrust open, revealing Edward Midford with a concerned look carved into his face, "Tsuki, where have you two been? We've all been worried sick!"

I smile gently at Lizzie's older brother, "She insisted that she had to visit Ciel, but Paula was busy tailoring her new outfit for the Season while the rest of you were out in Town. You know how she gets when Ciel is involved, so I thought it best to just go with her instead of having her run off without me. I had told her to at least leave a note, but I should have done that myself. Please accept my deepest apologizes little brother."

Edward sighs heavily, as if all the worry that had built upon his shoulders during our absence fell off in one moment. His eyes lift to meet mine, both exhausted and emotionally drained. One look at my face is enough for him to know what path my thoughts took on the road home, "It's not your fault you know," on the surface, he forgives me for the events of today, but I can see the hidden meaning behind those words. "Your father loves you too and couldn't bear it if he knew just how much you blamed yourself." I can only offer a sad smile in response to Edward's reassurance, it is just too difficult for me to accept.

Another sigh escapes Edward's body before he leans into the carriage and picks up his younger sister. It isn't long before he has her in is arms and begins ascending the front steps of his home, Edward glances back one last time and smiles as a goodbye before the coachmen close the door and set off once again. This time to my home.

It only takes twenty minutes to reach my house from the Midford estate, but even knowing this I cannot help but close my eyes and succumb to the seductive call of sleep. The Midford carriage driver, Mortimer, wakes me with a gentle shake of my shoulder once we reach my front drive. I weakly nod my head and take a deep breath, attempting to rouse my body for one last trek.

Once at my front door I turn and wave to the man as a send off before slipping inside. The kimono that Lizzie gave me feels heavy and restrictive with so many layers, the blues and greens melding into the darkness and trying to pull me back into a deep sleep. Groaning in frustration, I trudge up the stairs to my room.

The solid click of my bedroom door closing echoes loudly in the silent house, but I pay it no mind as I begin the arduous task of peeling off the six layers that make up my outfit from the ball. Each light kimono is beautiful and unique and could easily be worn of its own accord, but together they made such a gorgeous ensemble. The weight and familiarity of it was such a comfort, it made Sebastian's unsettling stares bearable.

After each layer is off, I place them neatly on the trunk laying at the foot of my bed and glide into my attached bathroom. Drawing the bath will take a little time, so I take out the intricate hairpins and let my hair fall down my back. My ears twitch at the small draft once the weight of my hair leaves the top of my head. With such heavy clothing and hairstyles, I marvel at how the noble women of my homeland deal with that much extravagance with such grace.

Another draft lines my skin with goosebumps and my tail bristles with the cold, "I guess I should finish up soon. It's very late anyway." My whispered words fade into the night as I slip out of my chemise and into the warm water. I wash myself quickly, giving a little extra attention to my hair because of how tangled it is, before exiting the bathtub and draining it.

My body feels as though it is already shutting down and stuffing my joints with cotton to slow me down, so all I manage to do after my bath is towel off and slip a night gown over my head. I cannot even manage to slip underneath my covers before my eyes shut and refuse to open again.

It feels like only a moment has passed since I laid down, so who would be helping me stand up and holding me so tenderly? I open my eyes, at first only finding darkness surrounding me, when a soft pink glow blink into existence. Two eyes form from the light. Two crimson eyes that I know all too well.

Instead of feeling fear or even dread, I feel myself smile happily. The rest of Sebastian's body materializes around me, his arms secured around my waist and his face dropped over my own. Our noses almost touching, lips poised just so. Kindness shines in his face, as though he is gazing at his lover.

The pink glow brightens around us into a blood red background with black feathers falling around us like confetti at a wedding. Sebastian's red eyes never waver from my blue ones as his face tilts slightly. Our lips brush together in a light kiss, setting of a spark in my blood. My hands move from their position on his chest to wrap around his neck and glide through his hair, fingers tangling the strands. The kiss deepens with a burning passion racing through our veins.

One of my arms caresses the side of Sebastian's face and travels down his chest to hold his waist, barely brushing the hilt of the Akatsuki. My lips quirk in an evil smirk just before I take hold of my kodachi and slide it free. Sebastian's arm moves to grab his own blade as we both stab one another in the back, piercing our hearts at the same time. Our lips separate while we toss our heads back and grimace slightly at the pain.

A painful cough bubbles out of my chest, forcing blood past my lips to drip down my chin. My lovers face perfectly reflects my own, eyes shining with love and lust, bloodstained pale skin growing whiter in the red light, and a twisted smile cracking our faces in half. Sebastian lets out a content chuckle as his hand leaves the hilt of the blade in my back to cradle the back of my head, bringing my lips closer for another kiss. Our smiles grow softer and the blood red light fades, dropping us into darkness once again.

My blood races in my ears and a cold sweat breaks upon my skin, forcing my eyes open in a blind terror. Shadows line the edges of my vision and race across the floor, blurring my sight and convincing me that I am not alone. I furiously rub my eyes and look around my room again. The dark figure that was at the foot of my bed now the folded kimono from last night, the strange man by my window staring back at me with red eyes, and the wardrobe replacing the vicious beast lying in wait.

My head whips back to my window to find my curtains flowing softly in the breeze let in from the open window, but nothing can stop the shiver of fear coursing through my body. I know someone was just there, that familiar heated stare just burned a hole in my heart. Feet pound against the wood floor as I rush to close the window, slamming it down indignantly and latching it shut. My heart pounds heavily in my chest, reminding me to breath, that I am alive and well. There is nothing to fear.

I whisper that phrase to myself over and over again, hoping that I may come to believe it, as I roam the house. Locking each and every window and door, then going around twice more to double check. When I return to my room I can't help but feel restless and cannot even dream about finding sleep after that dream and frightful encounter. Both my ears and my tail twitch feverishly to relieve my anxious energy.

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