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My holidays were almost over. Only one week was left for me to go back. I was spending my time at the Gurudwara. One day I was serving in Gurudwara and heard some commotions outside. When I went outside I found a person on motorcycle had met with an accident. He was not injured but the person who was walking whom he hit was lying on road. First I thought it was the bikers fault.

But then I got to know from people there that the one who was injured was at fault. He took drugs apparently and came in front of the biker leading him to loose the balance making him collide with bike. The person was lying with his face towards the road. When with the help of other persons we turned him he was unconscious. He looked horrible and we were quite sure he was taking drugs. We tried to wake him up but he was not gaining his consciousness.

When he finally gained his consciousness we gave him some water and asked him about his address. He told us his address and we decided to drop him as he looked he wasn't able to reach his home alone. Some other workers of Gurudwara and i took him in a car towards his house. When we were passing the roads it felt like I have been here before. We reached a big house and rang the bell. A person in his 60's came out looking really sad and tired as if in pain. When he saw the unconscious person we were carrying he started to curse him. We got to know the man was his son and had become a drug addict.

He was telling us his pains about how God is making him pay for his bad deeds. His son was a drug addict and his daughter had ran away with someone taking all his money making him almost bankrupt. He was crying while telling all things to us. And when I looked at him some more I started remembering. He was the business partner of my father who took me in when my parents. He was the one who was behind my parents money. The one who wanted to kill me.

For a moment in anger I felt like I should tell him what he had done to me was wrong. I wanted to take my parents property back. But then I looked at his condition and thought he was already paying for his deeds. And nothing is bigger than Karma it hits you back with same intensity. And I didn't needed the property it was of no use for me. I am alone I don't need it anyway.  I just consoled him saying we reap what we had sown. And he looked like realisations of his wrong works were hitting him. After that we left from there. And he kept on crying, complaining and hitting his half conscious drugged son.

I knew at that moment somewhere there is that almighty watching us all, watching all what we are doing keeping a track record of our deeds. There is always God who gives us what we deserve. Today we might think that we are doing wrong but God is not doing maybe he is approving it. But he is not approving he is giving us time to rectify our mistake. And if we still not stop then he will show us what is right in his way which human mostly consider suffering or pains.

Finally my holidays were over. I left to join for army. I was posted in Assam . I was a beautiful state. I loved the people, the culture and the nature. There was a camp during my stay in Assam. And that was during the camp when I met my better half, Parul. The one who was made for me. She came there for the camp. She was a news reporter and came for interviewing the higher officials and to get information about the camp. She was really sweet and brave girl. I liked her personality. We talked and become really good friends.

It was a two months camp. For the most time of the we were together and become really close friends. After the camp we went on our ways. But still she was in my touch. I liked her a lot and I admitted my feelings for her. She said she felt the same way for me and I felt on cloud 9. We were in relationship for 1and half year. She was in Delhi and I was in Assam there was distance but it doesn't matter when the feelings are true.

She said her parents were asking her to marry someone and that she wanted me to talk to her parents as she had told about us. I talked to her parents and told them that the army is my only family and I live for my country. I wanted to marry her if they allowed and will never want to go against their decisions as I knew the importance of parents. They agreed and we fixed marriage date.

The marriage was in Delhi where her parents were. We married each other happily. She had to stay at Delhi because of her job and I was often posted in different areas. We met at holidays it was all very good we were really happy. She finally found a job that she could do while staying along me. We were really happy. She became my family. It was all better with her.

But I know one thing that changed my life. The one advice, that one little advice for me to study gave me such an wonderful life I could have never assumed of. Some advices are life changing. It is like lucky draw we don't know which will lead us where but choices and advices can change lives.

We should do something for our country before we die. we should think about those who need help. We should help whenever needed. That was my story and I am proud that I did something for my country. I studied and God gave me this wonderful life.

The Iron Determination- Buland Irade.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ