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They say sometime life gives you everything to snatch away everything from you. But those who still get it back with their hardwork are the real courageous men.

This is my story of how life gave me everything to snatch away but a little bit of hardwork can get you to the heights you never imagined.

My parents were very kind and noble person of the village. They had settled business and a very good home. They were rich but didn't had any child. They were religious, went to temples daily and prayed a lot. And finally the God answered their prayers blessing them with a boy , me. They named me Raghu.

We were a happy and loving family everything was going very good. It was my third birthday , so a party was arranged for my birthday. They went to but things from market and their car met with an accident killing both of them. My parents didn't had any close relatives who could take care of me. They only had few business partners and friends.
I was very young to understand things going on around me. They were cremated.

Their was a business part of my father. He was owner of few shares in my father's company. He adopted me and I started living with them. I was slowly forgetting about my real parents just a little bit of their memory was left in my mind.

2 years later

I was starting to understand things around me better. I watched my friends going to school but I had never been to one. And whenever told my uncle and aunt I want to go school they would scold me.

" You are too young to go to a school. You are just a kid others will beat you if you go. You can go when you are older." my aunt always said to me.

But her own kids always went to school. She said they were old enough to go school and i was not. I always wanted to study and become successful like the heroes I saw in pictures. But I had just to stay satisfied by seeing my friends books and asking them what it meant. Some of them told me and some shooed me away.

One fine day I was roaming here and there in halls when I saw my uncle and his friend was sitting in living room talking about something. I heard they were taking my name which intrigued me. I hid behind a pillar and eavesdropped on what they were taking.

" I am handling all the business but still all the property and business is in Raghu's name. Once he is of legal age he will start demanding all the property and I don't want it. Somehow I have to make him to stay away from all this" said my uncle.

" Send him with me there is a market i know where they search for small kids to work. We will get money after selling him and we can show that he is dead or something like that to take all of his property" suggested his friend.

I was very much shocked on hearing this things. I knew that my parents were killed in car accident but I didn't knew this all property was their. Also my uncle will sell me if I stay here. So I did the most reasonable thing I could have thought of that time. I ran from the house immediately. I didn't knew what it takes to live in outside world but I knew if I didn't ran away I would be forever caged.

I was running continuously in fear someone will catch me and take me back to them. It was very hot and moreover i was felling hungry and thirsty. It was almost evening when i reached outskirts of some city. There were only few people and some kids were on road side asking for money from people passing by and they were getting some money. I went toward one of the kid who looked kind.

"Hey, how can I get the food ?" I asked the beggar kid.

" U need money for that, if you have money they give you food" he replied simply.

But I didn't had any money with me so i asked him how to get money.

He said " you have to beg for it, they give you money when you beg and you can get the food. Did you run away from your home?"

I told him yes and also told him how hungry I was. So he went somewhere and come with a piece of bread and water and give it to me. I ate it immediately and filled my stomach. When my hunger was satisfied I told him why i ran away and he said he could help me. He took me to his home. It was just a tent and had many holes in it. He said he is an orphan and lived alone. He begged to live and told me to join him from the next day if i wanted to stay with him. And I agreed to him.

The Iron Determination- Buland Irade.Where stories live. Discover now