Predaking x Predacon!reader

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I don't remember my past. I only remember what my master told me. My whole race was wiped down and i am among the few that survived. I was told i am special because i am the only femme predacon left.  My master Schockwave calls me (Y/N).

Here on the nemesis serving Lord Megatron wasnt so bad. If my master wants me to listen to the Lord i will. My frame was very slick. My fangs were sharp along with my claws and even tough i wasnt as big as mech predacons my wings were very big. It was so we femme predacons could carry eggs.

Sometimes i do get loney. But its fine.

"(Y/N) come here"  Megatron calls for me. I slowly get up as i was curled in a ball in a small corner. I didnt listen to their conversation. I know that Schockwavehas been trying to creat more of my race but wasnt successful. I was a little taller than Megatron. He did not fear me as he pats my face. I huff.

"go into your cage and wait for us there, we are going on a little trip" he says and goes after Schockwave.

" what is this creation called Schockwave?" Megatron asks as i turn around and walk past Soundwave

"you will see my Lord"

Some time passes as i spend most of my time sleeping in my cage until i am called. A few hours later i am awakend by a roar. I look up quickly as that sound is familiar. But it couldnt be?

My sixst sense tingels and i try to break trough cage as i feel that someone of my masters is in danger. I roar back as the sound goes down the hallway. I couldnt break trough the bars and two cons try to calm me down. I spread my long wings, take one big swing and break the bars down.

I fly trough the halway until i reach the room the smell was also coming from. An unfamiliar smell. I break trough the doors my wings spread open.

There it was....another predacon. A male one. So tall and big. HIs wings were also spread and they were almost as big as mine. A little bigger. He was roaring at my master so i with no hesatation i jump on the predacon and knock him down. I roar and he roars back as he gets up from the floor.

"SHOCKWAVE stop this!!" Megatron roars but we can not be stoped. He gets up and our optics meet. They were so yellow. So pretty, and his whole frame was also attractiv along with his colors. He showed his theeth and i did mine.

We go around in cyrcle as we roar at each other. My master called my name but i could not break the contact. He would attack if i did. I think he was as much suprised to se another predacon as was i.

It was intense as no one knew what to do as two dangerous beasts were going around in cyrcles.

>Predakings pov<

Her frame was smooth, her wings were too big for her frame and her optict were beautiful (color). It was a femme!!! even tough she showed her theeth it looked cute. This was a fight for dominance and i had to show that i was alpha.

I roar at her and blast a fire at her feet spreading my wings and runing my claws on the floor.

> your pov<

I move back from his fire. I cant blast fire, we femmes dont have that abilitie. I know i cant win. Than he does something ellse. I starts walking towards me with confidence that put fear in me. It was scary. I move back quickly and sit down as he was fast. I put my head down and look as he puffed his chest out and looked at me from above.

"What are they doing?" Megatron asked scared that the beasts wont run weild

" it would seem that the predacon is putting domance on (Y/N). He is showing that he is an alpha. Now if he doesnt attack it means that he wants peace" said master in short.

He still looked at me from above as i sit my wings slowely closing and my head low. He roars and im ready for attack but it never comes. When i open my optics he is sniffing me. He wont attack?

He continues to sniff my nose my head than my neck. I do the same. Honestly i dont minde him beeing my alpha. Look at those wings and fangs.

"he wont attack Lord Megatron that means that the meeting went well" "yes quite a meeting" he said.

Im happy that the apha accepts me. The next thing i did just settles it. I go under his wing ne snuggle a little on him. That means i accept him and will do as he wishes. ALSO  means i will accept him as my mate if he wishes to be.

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