Listen To Daddy (DDLG)

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You and your Daddy are laying in bed cuddling and watching TV together. You look at the time and look at your Daddy "When is bedtime tonight Daddy?" you ask knowing he tends to change the time every night depending on what you guys are doing. He picks up his phone and checks the time and thinks for a little bit "Hmm, let's say 1," he says and you groan "Ugh," he chuckles "Ugh," he says back to you. You roll your eyes "Why so early?" you ask looking at him. He shakes his head and raises an eyebrow "That's not early. That's normal. Wanna make it 12 instead? If you're going to whine about it being early I'll make it early," he says sternly. 

You quickly shake your head "No thank you, I'll stop whining. I sorry," you say quickly hugging him. He nods "Mhm that's what I thought you little brat," he says softly kissing your head. You giggle "You know it," you say smirking. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head "Indeed," he says as he looks back at the TV. You smile "But you don't do anything so I win hehe," you say giggling again. He looks at you and raises his eyebrow "12:30 it is," he states. Your eyes go wide and you shake your head "Nooo," you plead. He shakes his head "Yep," he says and you pout "Noo I'm sorry I'll stop," you say knowing that's a lie. He looks at you "Nope too late, this is me not doing anything," he says with an evil smirk on his face. You groan "Noo come on I take it back I'm sorry," you quickly respond. 

He focuses on the TV "Nope 12:30," he states. You roll your eyes "Dis is fucking dumb," you say knowing you just swore when you're not supposed to. He looks at you "It's your fault little one, think about it while you fall asleep a half-hour early. "Fucking dumb," you groan and he raises an eyebrow "I can make it 12:15" and you quickly shake your head "Then behave little girl," he says sternly making you nod. You pull out your phone and start scrolling through instagram not paying attention to the time. 12:32 rolls around and your Daddy looks at you, still up on your phone. "Go to bed. Now. Shut your phone off and go to bed or you're doing 25 lines for every minute past 12:30 you're up," he says and you gulp as your eyes go wide "Yes sir. Goodnight Daddy," you say kissing him "Goodnight doll,"  he smiles. You put your phone away and lay down and close your eyes. 

Your Daddy, rolls you over so you're looking at him "Baby girl, you can stay up till 1 but not past one," you smile at him "See what can happen when you just listen to Daddy," he says smirking. You nod "Thank you, Daddy, I'll be good and listen," you say. He kisses your forehead "But I want to see a smile," he says softly. You look up to him and furrow your eyebrows "A smile?" you ask confused and he nods "Come on a smile for me princess," he says and you try to fight it but immediately start smiling. He chuckles and kisses you and you lay there cuddling before both falling asleep together. 

I apologize for not updating my other two stories I am in the process of working on updates right now. I hope this makes up for not updating. I got the motivation for this from a text conversation I had with my Daddy 😊 I am taking requests just comment, check the description of this story before commenting please (: Thanks for reading 💕

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